Chapter 1

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I have rewritten the story a bit. Sorry for those who have read it before, I hope you like it now.


"hello"= human language (written in bold)
"hello" = giant language (regular writing)


It was already dark, a cold night, and a human girl with very short brown hair was riding her horse looking for a refuge to avoid meeting any more giants.

Her name was Yvette, she was 17 years old.

She believes that giants will ever stop eating humans, she just had to have the help of some giant to be able to communicate in their language.
She worked with a small group of humans that kill giants that were causing trouble near her village, to get closer to the giants and be able to talk to them, even though her biggest fear is being close to a giant, after a giant killed her parents leaving her an orphan.

Today her group died except her, because of a giant. She fled with her horse, and started with her plan to put an end to all this.

She's pretty handy with three-dimensional equipment and swords, so she doesn't have that much of a problem right now.

I was in the Forest of Giant Trees, as all the humans i know called it.
They weren't normal trees, they were huge trees, hence the name. In that forest there is a village of giants, the humans say that the giants live there, but they don't know for sure, if any human knew about it, they wouldn't get out of there alive.

There were only trees, and no matter how much I rode my horse, I couldn't find any shelter. After a while riding I found a cave, I only had to ride a few more kilometers to reach it.

Large footsteps were heard, they were from a giant. I stopped dead and took my horse behind a tree, then left my horse next to the roots of a giant tree, and climbed on a branch high enough that the giant would not see me.
A few minutes passed and it began to rain more and more heavily, the giant's footsteps stopped for a moment, the giant took one more step revealing his enormous body to me from behind the trees. He was a boy about the same age as me, he had short black hair, he wore a white shirt and dark brown pants.

I began to be afraid, because the giant stopped and stood still.

"Human I know you're here, and surely you're going to kill me or something, but I'm not going to do anything to you, just let me pass, I want to go to my house" the giant said something that I couldn't understand, since we don't speak the same language, he was hiding behind a tree, but still I could watch him. 'does he want to communicate with me?' I thought. I continued in the same position, so he can't reach me to hurt me and take me in his huge hands.
The giant sighed, and started walking again, I didn't expect  when he started to move and because of the deluge of rain the clouds were making, I slipped off the branch and when the giant got closer to where I was, he slowed down more and more, as if he knew where I was falling. Just when the boy was under the branch where I was standing, I went down very fast, now I was going to die, 'stupid rain'.

Suddenly the boy turned faster than me and caught me on the fly. He had me grasped in his fist, I nailed my swords against the giant's fingers to at least try to get out, with the swords I made him serious wounds, the giant clenched his fist causing my leg to break. Tears of pain came from my eyes, but luckily I didn't make any noise with my mouth just in case another giant heard me. I dig the swords even more into the giant's hand "AAAH" the giant shouted, he released his fist and let me fall, and me with the little strength that remained, went as fast as possible between tree and tree with the three-dimensional equipment to the cave I saw before.

When I entered I saw that the cave had no roof, it was like a closed garden, it was huge, but there was no one, and it did not seem that the giants are there most of the time. In addition, the trees in the cave were of normal size, for humans. I came to a part where there was grass and it was flat, everything was wet from the rain.

I looked at my broken leg, full of blood, I didn't know what to do. I was very tired, about to die from the pain in my leg, I lay down in the grass with the rain falling and passed out.

a little drop of rain fell on my face causing me to wake up. I got up sitting up, looked again at my leg, this time I didn't feel it.
"Fuck you fucking giant" I said to myself. I gently touched my leg, but I felt nothing, I tried to move it, but I could not, the leg did not respond.

The rain stopped and it began to dawn, few rays of sun could be seen from the cave where I was. I lost my horse, I couldn't get out of here, if a giant found will be the end for me, the giant would eat me in the blink of an eye.

I kept thinking about what the giant wanted to tell me, maybe he wanted to talk and not hurt me, although that is impossible, because he has broken my leg, and when I fell it was like he already knew where I was all along."how could he know where I was, he couldn't see me ... I couldn't even see him until he said that ..." I said again for myself. I was very confused at this time.

Again footsteps were heard, but this time they were very fast. More and more, the earth rumbled for me. Fear ran through my veins, I could not escape, I dragged myself with the impulse of my hands and went to a lake that was in that garden, I got into the water. The water was frozen "aaahh! cold, cold ..." I said whispering, and the pain in the leg increased and now it stung. The footsteps stopped and I could heard how the giant was breathing through his mouth very quickly, as if he had gotten tired from running, the giant was already there, but he wasn't yet to be seen.

Slower footsteps were heard again, he was entering to the cave. My heart was racing from the fear that I had. Quickly I took the deepest breath in and got into the water so that luckily the giant would not see me. I wore a dark green cape to camouflage myself.

The giant entered and stared at the large human-sized terrain, he took a deep breath and looked at the little lake where the human that he was looking for was, "what is he doing? Why is he hiding under the water? He will run out of air, at least he has looked for a good hiding place, he is hardly seen" (the giant uses he/him pronouns in Yvette, because he thinks Yvette is a boy) the giant said to himself, he waited a while for the human to take a breath and then catch the human.

2 minutes passed and I was still under water. the giant crouched down to get a closer look at me, and he could see how I closed my eyes out of fear when i saw him approaching me, then the giant made a small smile.

He waited a little longer as he saw that I was still conscious when I closed my eyes. A minute passed and I was still in the water.

'but does he see me or doesn't see me? because he is looking at me and he can grab me perfectly'

Giant POV

"Can you breathe underwater or something?!" I said in amazement, I thought that with how small human lungs are, the human was not going to last more than 30 seconds.

The human's body began to float in the water that now was bloodstained, now the human was unconscious.

"human?" I took the human's body delicately, "aaahh ... gee, sorry about the leg" I said when I saw the human's leg full of blood. I observed the human more "wow! You're a girl, well, well, human girl, I'm going to heal what I've caused you, and if you want to go, whenever you want I'll let you go, but hey, now you're half dead or probably dead and I'm talking to myself so..., I better shut up, yeah..." I stopped talking to keep from losing my dignity and entered the forest with the human in hand.


I hope you like it

Thank you very much for reading


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