Chapter Two

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In one week and six days, the 75th Hunger Games will be announced.

In two weeks, the Reapings will be held.

In two weeks and one day, Wren Eldrid and the rest of the fallen tributes will be revealed to the country of Panem.

In four weeks, the 75th Hunger Games will begin.

In four weeks, Wren Eldrid might die for a second time.


The girl shot up out of bed with a sob. She looked down towards her stomach. There was no more blood and no arrow. She shook her head at the nightmares that were burned into her brain.

"It's not real anymore," she mumbled.

Each day was the same as the last. Wren would wake up from a nightmare, go to training, try to speak to Cato, and go to bed. Her life now was on a never-ending loop.

"Wren, it's time for-"

"I know," Wren snapped at Opal. "I know what time it is."

The brunette girl slipped on her training clothes and walked with her nurse to the same elevator she had been in since her first visit. Glimmer's blonde hair by the pool caught her eye when she first walked in. The green-eyed girl gave Wren a smile before grabbing a towel on the chair beside her and heading towards the steps of the giant body of water. Opal held Wren back and faced the girl in her direction.

"Doctor Valen says you can start treading water longer." Wren nodded.

"Uh, Opal, I was wondering if I could go outside tonight. You know, to get some fresh air."

Opal sucked in some air. "Wren, you know that I could get in trouble, right?"

"Fifteen minutes with Cato! Please! If you let me be with him outside for fifteen minutes I won't complain anymore. Please, Opal." Wren begged the nurse. Opal sighed.

"Ten minutes and I monitor you guys." Wren's eyes lit up with excitement and gratitude. The short girl flung her arms around the nurse and squeezed.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" she said with a bright smile on her face.

Opal chuckled, "Now go train."

Wren eagerly sprinted to the pool and jumped in. Glimmer, Clove, and Cato -who were swimming laps a few feet away- were shocked at the girl's sudden burst of energy. Wren swam over to the group and she pulled Cato aside to tread water.

"Opal, my nurse, said we can go outside for ten minutes. Just you and me," Wren whispered to the blond boy from District Two. Cato's mouth formed a smile. The boy leaned over to kiss Wren's cheek but a voice prevented them from doing so.

"No kissing the other tributes. Have you not learned from Ms. Belcourt and Mr. Sanford?" Doctor Valen said as he entered the aquatic station. Marvel's laughed echoed throughout the rooms.

"Hey, Doc, can you blame me? I mean, look at Glim she's gorgeous."

The boy from One shot the blonde a cheeky grin. Glimmer turned red as she continued with her lap. Wren and Cato parted ways and swam but Cato kept his focus on her. He only snapped out of his line of vision when he ran into Clove. The small girl from Two accidentally went underwater for a brief second before resurfacing.

"Cato!" she yelled. Her voice boomed throughout the pool. Cato's eyes went wide.

"I'm sorry!" he yelped as Clove shoved water in his face.

Doctor Valen sighed at the tributes.

"That is enough for today. I am cutting your physical therapy training short. You all have recovered as we had hoped. For the next two weeks, you all will be staying in the tribute center preparing for the games. It has been a pleasure working with you all." The man turned away and left. Wren let out a sigh when his white coat disappeared.

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