Chapter Fourteen

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She didn't want to reach for his hand, but something in her gut told her to or else she would die. Again.

Her hand was a few shades darker compared to the President's hand. Wren walked up the steps alongside President Snow. She suddenly felt underdressed for the 'meeting.'

"President Snow-"

"Please, call me Coriolanus," he offered. Wren inwardly winced but obliged.

"Coriolanus," she started again, "if you don't mind me asking why did you want to meet with me?"

"Do you like flowers, Ms. Eldrid?" he asked completely avoiding her question.

"Uh, yes, I suppose so-"

The older man reached out and grabbed a rose off of the bush and held it in front of her. The brunette looked at the delicate flower before her. Hesitantly, she latched her fingers onto the stem. "Thank you."

Coriolanus Snow guided the girl from District Ten down the stone path away from the gazebo. Her eyes darted around and gathered in more of her surrounding. No exit.

"What is something that you like about flowers?" he asked as he stopped walking. The man reached for another flower and lightly touched the petals.

"I think they're pretty," Wren muttered.

"Speak up, Ms. Eldrid."

"They're pretty," she said louder.

"Do you know why I like them?"

She shook her head in response.

"You see, Ms. Eldrid, flowers are like people," his blue eyes looked all around him. "They're delicate and fragile." 

Wren stayed quiet. The brunette narrowed her eyes at the older dictator. A sick smile formed on the man's lips.

"You know, President Snow, flowers also have thorns."

The man laughed.

"Are you saying that some people in Panem have thorns? Perhaps a certain Ms. Everdeen- or is it Mrs. Mellark now?"

The man brought his hand up to his cotton ball-like beard and stroked the flower in thought. He abruptly turned on his heel and guided her back to the large white gazebo.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but I'm still confused as to why you wanted to meet with me. Talking about flowers wasn't exactly what I thought you'd want-"

"What do you think I'd want from you?"

She didn't know. Would he want her to kill people for him? As if she already wasn't going to in the arena. Would he take away her family from her? What did he want?

"I don't know," she admitted.

"I want you to kill Katniss Everdeen. You are to be the winner of the Quarter Quell. If you kill her and you win then I will make sure Mr. Hadley gets out alive."

Wren Eldrid stopped in her tracks. Her hazel eyes looked up at the man's blue ones. He seemed to be waiting patiently for her answer.

"If I kill Katniss Everdeen you will make sure that my family is safe? That Cato will be safe?" she bargained more. Coriolanus took in her offer for a moment as he reached for another flower. The man that ran Panem took in a deep breath as he tried to suppress a cough. His blue eyes shifted to look at the tanned girl beside him. The girl's breaths were uneven. A small smirk appeared on his lips as he outstretched his hand in her direction.

"You have a deal Ms. Eldrid."


"I need to speak to Plutarch Heavensbee before the Games," Wren said as she was taken to her escort. Serena eyed her tribute as she walked her to the hovercraft. The older woman pursed her lips.

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