Chapter Eighteen

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The three groups of tributes stood in fear of the Minotaur. The beast prepared itself to charge at them. It lifted its back hooves and slammed it back down. Dust and dirt flew all around his hind legs. The tribute's eyes landed on the creature's bronze horns. Wren cringed as she remembered her first tribute parade outfit. Her hazel eyes moved to the Minotaur's ring that sat in his nose. The bull's black eyes narrowed as it kept its focus on her.

"They lied," Ivory squeaked out at her friends. "The Capital said if we passed the tests we wouldn't have to face the Minotaur."

Wren's eyes cautiously looked at the blonde from One.

"The Captial always lies. They changed the rules just like they did in the 74th Games. They want entertainment." Wren held her whips at her side and unraveled them. She was ready. "If it's a show they want then it's a show they'll get. On my count, we go-"

"Go where!" Marvel hissed. "Towards him or away?"

"Towards him."

"What!" Marvel screamed. He regretted his shout at his friend as the beast took a step forward and snorted. Marvel shuffled beside his girlfriend as he held up his spear.

"Three," Wren started her count down. Finnick Odair raised his trident. The sandy-haired man would do whatever it took to get back to Annie Cresta.


The group of tributes let out shaken breaths.


They charged for the beast. Marvel's spear flew into the Minotaur's shoulder while Finnick's trident slammed into its stomach. The beast roared with anger. Katniss Everdeen stood in front of Peeta and released three arrows. One landed directly in the creature's left eye. The girl from Twelve felt as if the events happened in slow motion.

The Minotaur ripped out the arrow from its eye and charged back at the group. The tributes dispersed in the same direction back into the maze. The twists and turns made Katniss' head pound. She wanted to get out of there. Clove was quick to throw a few knives at the beast behind her but couldn't watch to see if her knives landed on the target. Katniss' eyes followed them and saw that they landed in the beast's leg. Wren's whips left lacerations all along his arms. Another roar caused each tribute to shudder.

"That way!" Finnick shouted whilst pointing at the light peaking through part of the walls. The exit.

The three groups made their way towards the only exit they could find. Katniss felt as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders when she felt the sunlight hit her face. In the maze, they were only shown the night sky, well a projection of it. Her grey eyes scanned the faces of those around her. They were missing three of their own.

Wren Eldrid.

Cato Hadley.

Roman Winters.


"Shit!" Roman said as he hit the wall. The bronze and gray wall closed as most of their group sprinted out. He turned around to see who he was stuck with. Cato and Wren. Great.

Wren kept her whips at her side as if the Minotaur would round the nearest corner. The brunette let out a puff of air as she slid down the cold wall. Cato stood before her and crouched down. She glanced up at him and felt her heart race speed up. Wren missed his blue eyes.

"Hey lovebirds," Roman interrupted. "Oh, wait, it's not lovebirds anymore, is it? Whatever, look we might want to hide out or find another exit because the Minotaur might come back."

Cato didn't say it aloud but he agreed with Roman. His blue eyes narrowed at the boy that caused him heartbreak. The boy from Two took a step forward towards the boy from Ten. "If we do anything in here we are doing it my way cause God knows what's going on in your head."

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