Chapter Five

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Wren was ushered down to the prep room early the next day.

Jewel, Emerald, and Halo nearly squeezed the life out of Wren when they saw her.

"I can't believe you're alive," Jewel mumbled with tears in her eyes. "How did they bring you back?"

Wren shrugged. "I don't fully know or understand it. They wouldn't tell me too much."

Emerald sighed briefly before letting go of the girl. Wren took a step back and really looked at her team. Jewel still had her bedazzled eyebrows and white hair. Her collarbone was studded with diamonds as before. The only other diamond on her body was a giant ring on her fourth finger. Wren's eyes went wide at the woman as she snatched her hand.

"You're engaged!" Wren practically screamed with delight. Jewel nodded with a grin.

"He liked my collarbones," she joked. That earned a laugh from Wren.

Emerald stepped in between the two. Her green skin glowed. Wren's eyes made their way to the woman's stomach. A small bump caught her eye.

"You're pregnant," Wren whispered.

Emerald grabbed Wren's hand and placed it on her bump. The green woman smiled. Her lime green eyes met Wren's hazel ones.

"It's a girl," she said. "Pakston and I have decided to name her Wren."

Tears sprang in Wren's eyes.

"Really?" the girl whispered.

"You're naming her after me?" The green woman nodded with a large grin plastered on her face.

"Wren Jewel. That's her full name." The newly engaged woman pulled her friend into a hug. Halo smiled at the three girls. His yellow eyes looked at Wren.

"Wren, honey, we have to wash you now." Wren frowned.

"Can you go easy on the waxing?"


"How about the nails?" Wren squeaked out. The pregnant woman grabbed her hand once more.

"You bit them off again?!" she hollered. Wren shrunk under her wraith.

"I'm sorry." Emerald huffed and shook her head at the nubs Wren left her to work with.

The three guided their tribute to the tub full of hot water. Wren hissed as her foot touched the bottom of the tub. She resisted for a second but the glare of the pregnant woman made her obey Halo's pushing.

Halo, Emerald, and Jewel, mostly Halo, scrubbed Wren until she was raw. The ointment was applied to her body which soothed the pain, but Halo lifted a wax strip with a grin.

"No," Wren said with a firm head shake.

"Yes," Halo said as he applied the hot wax to her leg and quickly placed a strip over it. His hand smoothed it out as Wren gave him a wide-eyed look. "Halo, my old friend, my buddy, why?"

"Because it's my job," he said before he ripped the strip off.

"Ow!" Wren screamed.

"And it helps me take out any anger." Halo finished. Wren glared at him.

"There she is! There's my angry little Wren," he cooed. "I missed you."

Wren rolled her eyes. Emerald giggled. "There's the Wren we all know and love!"

The waxing took a lot longer than Wren would've liked.

"Are you ready to see Asher?" Jewel asked as she was helping Halo dry her hair. Emerald was putting fake nails on Wren's fingers. The girl from Ten nodded.

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