My First Game

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It's been two weeks since I've been put into this arena. Two weeks since I've last seen my family. Two weeks since I've seen my best friend Finnick Odair. Two weeks since I've been safe. Two weeks since my life has been in danger. Two weeks since I've last been able to smile and be happy.
I'm now standing in front of the very last tribute from another District. It's just me and the boy Gray from District 1. It's just District 1's male tribute Gray Michaelson and myself District 4's female tribute Payton Flanagan. I can't even believe I've made it this far yet I have. I had killed 10 other tributes. Both from 2, both from 3, both from 12, both from 11, the male from 10, and the female from 1. This is the most kills from a tribute in District 4.

"Come on weakling! We both know you can't do it. You're too innocent for the Games." The District 1 male tribute spoke with a smug grin on his face almost as if he knew how many people I've killed. "After all, you've only killed one person." "Wrong. I killed 10.....and I'm wanting to make it 11." I said pulling the string back on my bow. I released an arrow and it plunged into his heart killing him instantly. I watched as his blood flowed out from his chest, seeping his shirt in red blood soaking his clothes. "Ladies and gentleman! May I pronounce our 66th Hunger Games Victor! Payton Flanagan from District 4!" said Caesar Flickerman's voice over the speakers.

Soon enough a hovercraft came down dropping a ladder. When I got onto the hovercraft I was rushed to the medical center to be getting my cuts and sprained wrist cared for. "You did amazing!" Said my stylist Jace. Jace was the only person other than Finnick, Johanna, Mags aka my grandmother, and District 12's mentor Haymitch that I trusted here in the Capitol. I trust my grandmother the most since I've lived with her my whole life. "Thanks. I'm just glad I made it out alive." I said with a smile. Jace was the first person from the Capitol that I actually liked.
We soon landed back at the Capitol. My cuts were stitched and my sprained wrist was wrapped. When I took my first step off of the hovercraft I was tackled by three people hugging me. I was confused at first till I looked up and saw Mags, Haymitch, and Finnick hugging me with tears in their eyes. "Oh my god Payton! I was so worried for you Sweetheart." Haymitch told me as they let me go. Whenever I was able to visit Finnick I would always see Haymitch with him. Haymitch is like my dad, since I never knew my dad since he died. Haymitch was the closest thing I got to one and I'm glad. "Oh my god Payton! What happened to your wrist!?" Finnick yelled with a worried expression. "When the mutts attacked me I got startled a bit and fell hard on my wrist. It's just a sprang though nothing too serious." I said with a calming voice. If I knew Finnick like I do he would still be worried but my calming voice seemed to calm him down quite a lot. "You promise? It isn't broken or hurting right?" He asked with still a slight of a worried tone. "I promise. It only hurts when I put pressure on it." I say with a small smile. He looked down at me with his sea green eyes that I didn't realize made me feel so safe until now. "Promise?" He asked once more. "Promise." I said giving him a hug that he happily returned.

We went back to the apartment complex that we stayed at when I first came here. "Come on Payton. The prep team is ready to get you all prepped for the last interview." Jace said with a small smile. I knew what his sad smile meant. We wouldn't be seeing each other till the next games. When I'm going to be a mentor. I'm going to be a mentor? Wow. Never thought I would live to think those words ever. When we walked into the room my entire prep team came to me. They hugged me and congratulated me. "Thanks." I said rather quietly. After all, I've been in the arena for 2 weeks where you can never talk loud unless you want to die.

After about 2 hours of getting waxed, hair done, makeup done, and getting dressed I was finally ready for the final interview. I was dressed in a knee length blue dress that was off of my shoulders with a pair of light brown wrapped sandals that go up just below my knees. "You look stunning!" Coral said. Coral is the escort and advisor for District 4. "Thanks." I say. I'm still not used to the fact I have just escaped death by a string. We walk to the back of the stage where I'm gonna walk out in 1 minute. " that you've won no more smiles and waves. You do a straight face. Now, show them what you got!" Finnick told me after a moment. I nodded my head. Then I heard it. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the 66th Hunger Games Victor. Payton Flanagan!!" Said Caesar Flickerman. I walked out onto the stage with a straight face. No more emotions but a blank expression. "Hello Payton. How are you, dear?" He asked as if my expression wasn't an answer yet. "I'm doing okay." I said flatly. I didn't know what to say or do so I looked down and rubbed my hands. "Okay? That's it? Don't we get to know what you're thinking?" He asked once again. "Do you really want to know what I'm thinking?" I asked. I had a bad feeling about what I was going to say but oh well. "Oh yes please, I would love to know. And I'm sure our audience would love to know as well. Yes!" He said the last part looking at the audience who cheered loudly. "Well, what are you thinking? Mmm." He said with a smirk on his face. "I'm thinking about how I just killed 11 innocent children. How is that even fair. We should all be growing up, falling in love, starting a career, having a family. And yet we were all put into an arena with no choice, no way of knowing if we were going to be alive or dead in a couple minutes or a couple of hours or even a couple of days or even a week or even be making it out. We don't know what's going to happen and that scares them, it scares me. I have never been more worried in my life until I was reaped. I was worried I would never make it back home to tell my friends that I loved them." I said with a sad tone. "Oh. I had know idea that you felt that way. What friends did you want to tell you loved them?" He said in a sad tone matching mine. "I wanted to tell my closest friends that I loved them." I said in an embarrassed tone not really wanting to say. "Well how sweet. What friends though?" Oh god. How was I supposed to say it exactly? "Well, before I went into the arena I wanted to tell them that I loved them but I couldn't since I wasn't able to. I thought maybe I shouldn't because it's weird now that I'm not in danger." I said still trying to stall. "Well why don't you tell them now. I'm sure they would love to know that you love them." Caesar said. And now I was convinced to. "Well the people I wanted to say I love you to are..... Johanna, Haymitch, Mags, Annie Cresta, and......Finnick." I say. I feel a little awkward saying Finnick's name in the 'I love you' speech part. In fact I did love him.....more than just friends. But he can never know. Not now at least.

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