Scene 11: Domino High School (Hallway)

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(JOUNOUCHI is waiting on stage. Enter YUGI, who has a hand on his head and is wearing the Millennium Puzzle)

YUGI: (GROANS) I can't remember anything of what happened last night. All I can remember is -- wait a minute. (GASPS) The Puzzle! That's right! I finally finished the Millennium Puzzle! Ahahaha! My treasure.


YUGI: (TURNS TO Jounouchi) Oh, hey Jounouchi.

JOUNOUCHI: How are you doing?

YUGI: Good. How about you, Jounouchi?

JOUNOUCHI: I feel fine. This stuff happens all the time. (SEE Yugi's MILLENNIUM PUZZLE) Hey, you completed your treasure.

YUGI: Yup. Finished it last night.

JOUNOUCHI: Yugi, if you can keep a treasure, then so can I. You wanna see it?

YUGI: Sure.

JOUNOUCHI: Hahaha! You can't! I'll give you a hint. It's "something you can show, but can't see".

YUGI: "Something you can show, but can't see"? I don't know what it is, Jounouchi.

JOUNOUCHI: So you give up?

YUGI: Yeah, I give up.

JOUNOUCHI: Haha! It's friendship. Thanks for showing me that we're friends.

YUGI: No problem, Jounouchi.

(Bell rings for the start of school)

JOUNOUCHI: Well, I'll see you in class!

(JOUNOUCHI exits by running, with a shoe coming off his foot. YUGI picks up the shoe, and exits after JOUNOUCHI)

YUGI: Jounouchi! Your shoe! You lost your shoe!

(Fade to black)

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