his harry

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harry walked into the bathroom and sat in the ground. he couldn't cope. his godfather was in the hospital. his boyfriend cheated. he was so tired. he normally, wouldnt be this affected by it, but with everything going on, he was currently falling part. he pulled his knees to his chest and closed his eyes. if harry knew himself. he would probably end up laying in his bed bleeding out. or in the hospital. remus crying next to him. or yelling at him. depending on how he needs to cope. he got up and walked over to him. remus looked at him and smiled a bit "hey cub..feel any better?"

harry just hugs him and sniffled quietly "i love you..." he whispers. remus hugs him back "i love you too cub.."

harry sniffled and walked away. laying on his bed quietly. he laid there for awhile. sleeping mostly. when he finally got up. he went to dinner. he sat down and closed his eyes. he looked at the food. but didn't eat it. he sighs quietly 'maybe if i was prettier he would love me..' he thought to himself. he looked across the hall and saw draco. he looked tired. and sad.

harry got up and walked to the bathroom. draco got up and followed him.

a very quiet throwing up sound came from one of the stalls, harry cried quietly while throwing up. once he finished dracos came over and sat across from him. "i love you. and only you. why would i cheat on you?"

"because i'm not pretty..."
"that's such a lie."
"no it's not"
"harry stop lying to yourself. you are the beautiful man ever. why do you believe weasley. the person who called sirius and remus and us the f slur. why. is it because i wasn't good enough?"
"i don't know.."
draco sighs softly and kissed him deeply.
harry let him. he kissed back just as deeply and cried into the kiss
draco pulled away "it's okay. harry i love you. so much." he rubbed his cheek
harry shook his head "i need you to go on with out me.."
draco sighs "why? harry i love you so fucking much. i never cheated on you. do you want me to beat weasley for telling you that? because i will."
harry sighs "i love you."
draco smiled and got up. "let's go. i'll go beat weasley"
harry went wide eyes "no. draco. don't"
draco sighs "he ruined our relationship!
"he didn't ruin it i did!" harry sobbed
draco sighs "no my love no" he kissed his head "no you didnt." he said softly
"yes i did! i ruined everything!"
"i love you harry!"
"no you don't! you don't love me!"
draco froze
he teared up "what do you mean i don't love you..? do i need to remind you that when i ran away i went to london cause i knew i would be there. or do you remember that? or the time i was starving and being beaten and i went to you before away else. or the time i told you about the mark. i was there when sirius got put in a coma. i was always there for you. i love you so fucking much. i was there when you broke your arm. i was there when everyone left you. i was there. not Hermione or ron. me. and you think i don't love you?"
draco was clearly up set. he stood up and opened the door
"dray- wait-"
draco sighed
"when you understand how much i love you. that you can talk. but until than work on understanding how i feel. cause your not the one with feelings" he sighed and walked away
harry sat there on the floor, tears in his eyes. he never realized how much he meant to draco.

after a couple of days harry walks over to him silently and stood close "draco..can we talk..?" he said softly and looked down
draco nods "what's up?"
"i never noticed how much i meant to you...and i never realized how self centered i am..i'm sorry..i'm sorry for saying you didn't love me..and that i never validated your feelings like you did mine..." he said softly
draco smiled "it's alright love. don't worry" he hums and kissed his hand "sit eat" he hums and pulled him closer and kissed his hand
harry closed his eyes and sat on his lap "i missed you a lot dray..im sorry that i didn't make sure..i-i just assumed that Ron was telling the truth and..i was hurt..i thought you didn't love me and i was scared.."
draco shook his head "everything is alright don't worry" he smiled and kissed his head, just happy to have his harry back in his arms.

his harry. it lingered in his mind. harry was his again. he wasn't going to let him go this time. no more fuck ups. he was finally happy with his life. his had harry, he was away from his family. he amazing people to take care of him. he was so fucking happy.

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