They didnt know about us

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Homophobic slur

He kissed me cheek I felt my heart flutter. I didn't wait him to leave. A waited for a little then gave up and walked away but stopped when i heard a door open I turn around and there stood a very shy Harry Potter

"d-draco" he sounded weak and soft.

"Yeah what's up" he didn't answer me he just broke down.

I ran to him

"Harry? Are you ok?" I asked worried because he just started crying

"come on let's go to my room"

he nods and we walk down the hall him in tears and balling I then opened the door and sat him on my bed.

"Harry talk to me...please"

"Draco I like you so much so fucking much. Like I have never wanted anything more."

I then took his face in my hands and kissed him he kissed back he. Then pulled me down on top of him I began to kiss down his neck then his collarbone pulling at his shirt but he wasn't choking I then pulled off his shirt. I then kissed down his chest


We laid there just enjoying each other's presents until we saw that we had to get to dinner

"shit. Harry. Put your clothes on we have to get to dinner"

"boo you suck" he giggled

"come on" he then gets up and grabs his clothes and puts them one and walked out

"I'll see you there" "

ok" and he left


I was walking down the hall no one was there they were all at dinner. I walk I And sit at the spot I always sit at

"Who's tie is that"

neville asked

"it's mi-"

I look down and see it's green and not red


i Whisper I run out of the great hall on my way there I run into Draco

"woah why are you running

" he lays his hands on my cheeks.

"I-um I- I have y-your tie o-on"


"What your not embarrassed"

"no. You look to be thought"

"the all my friends saw it"

"what friends i wanna meet them"


"oh ok he's cool. Well if you wanna change you know the password"

"thanks" i kisses his cheek and began to walk but then I stopped and walked into the great hall again.

"What was that about"


"so who's tie is that"

"no ones"

"well it has to be someone's"

"no duh Neville" I looked up at him and smiled he smiled back i look farther down the table and saw Hermione and Ron looking at me


I mouth.


they mouth back I just roll my eyes and look away I was fine until Hermione walked over here

"who's tie is that"

"does it matter"

"yes Harry it does-"

"Hermione you said you hated me so if you hate me for something i didn't do you would think you would be talking to me"

"it's ma-"

"Hermione! Get over here it's his love life you said you didn't want to talk to him again"

"Why do you keep starting at Potter" Crabbe asks

"that's why"


"watch" Harry then turns back to me and smiles Crabbe sees me blush and smile back

"ew dude you like Potter"

"maybe" he then stands up and yells


I then see Harry stop smiling the second he says that. I then stand up and ran away. A few minutes later I hear someone walking down the hall then see my tie on the ground in front of me. And Harry walking up the stairs looking like he was crying. I then get up to go after him but I see him walk into his dorm and the panting closes behind him


I whisper I run into the great hall


"called him a fag" Crabbe and goyle said at the same time


I then pulled my wand at them


Dumbledore said

"put your wand down"

"why should I" i then looked down at them they looked like cowards because. Well they are


I say and then walk away. I go to my room at Write Harry a letter

Dear Harry
Meet me outside in a 30
if you want to talk to me again if not don't go and don't not write back
Full of love

I then gave it to my bird and he flew away to Harry and a few minutes later he came with a letter

I'll meet you there
Bring my tie please
Full of more love

I giggled because I had Gave him that nick name I then run outside by the tree and saw him walking outside he was alone like always so I run to him when he sees me he runs to me and jumps on me

"h-Harry i thought you would never talk to me again I was so scared because I can-"

I was cut off by him kissing me he was on top of me he pulled away

"you could never lose me"

he said laughing while tear run down his face and fall onto mine so I wipe his tears away and kiss him again

"I like you Harry"

"I like you to draco" I then kiss him again and smiled against his lips at the thought of him liking my back

"did you bring my tie" "

oh yeah" I then sit up and pull out his tie and hand it to him and he puts it on me

"there" he then pecked my lips quickly

"well we should get going" I pout


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