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Mentions of abuse
D R A C O S  P O V
I walk out and go to find Astoria. I see her with her friends in the library. I walk up to her

"oh hey dr-"

"I don't like you never have and never will. Do you hear me I'm not interested in you. Got it" I walk away before she can say anything else I felt my eyes water and I see Harry crying with Oliver. He sees me and walks over to me.

"What the fuck man"

"Astoria kissed me I didn't kiss her I love Harry and only Harry and nothing and no one can change that"I can see Harry looking at me "now I'm going to get going now I have a friend in the hospital wing. I'll be there if you need to find me" I then walk Away back to Blaise he was sitting up now

"hey draco-are you ok"

"I'm fine just relationship problems"

"what did he do this time"

"nothing it was Astoria. She kissed me and he saw and he thought that I would be happier with her so he broke up with me"

"I'm sorry dude"

"it's fine" and with that me and Blaise talked for awhile


I got on the train back to go home. Everywhere else was taken except one. With Harry I walk in and put my luggage away and sit across from him. The train started moving. After a few minutes of silence I couldn't handle it anymore

"I never cheated on you. You do know that right"


"and I don't like Astoria and I never have. I mean come on I'm gay" he looks at me I couldn't stop my self I grabbed his tie and pulled him to me and kissed him. He kissed back it was long and full of love. He slowly pulled away. His lips were just barely rubbing against mine.

"D-Draco..." he said softly.

"W-we can't I-I can't"

"why" my heart broke

"I'm dating cho" my heart shattered

"o-oh ok" I pulled away and let go of his tie

"I'll go trade with someone else" I then stood up and went to find Blaise and pansy.

When I found them I saw that Longbottom was in there

"Longbottom will you trade me seats I need to talk to them. I was sitting with Harry"

"whatever" he then pushed past me and went to Harry I said down across from Blaise and next to pansy. Luna was also here. I leaned my head on pansys shoulder and cried silently

"you ok draco" lunas soft voice so quiet

"yeah I'm fine" I wiped my tears and hid my pain I was quiet the rest of the way home. When the train stopped I went back to the other car and grabbed my luggage and quickly ran off the train to see my father there not looking very happy.

"Draco. Get over here now" I walked the other way.

But I soon turned to a run. I bumped into someone while I was running. It was ron I looked around and saw my father walking faster then most times i stand up

"shit s-sorry Ron" I then ran off. I had never ran so fast I tried to hide in the crowd. It didn't work he found me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the floo Place I was crying the whole way there he went. I know I shouldn't but I did.

"Diagon ally" I was there alone. Well you get want u mean I sat down at a wall at put my head in crying I didn't want to be here

I knew pansy and Blaise would let me stay. If I told them. They weren't aware of my father hitting me I just sat there all alone thinking.

"Draco" the voice asked

"hi luna" I said wiping my face. She sat next to me.

"What are you doing"

"just sitting here"

"LUNA- oh there's you are is this your boyfriend"

"no but yes he's gay"
her father I'm guessing nods "hi I'm Xenophilius Lovegood"

"Draco malfoy" I stick out my hand. He shakes it

"what are you doing here alone"

"staying away from my family"
I said he looks at me

"why if you don't mind me asking"

"I don't really want to talk about it I'm sorry"

"no it's ok draco"
I nods and then they leave. I had been sitting there for hours. I looked around I saw Sirius and Remus. I mean Sirius has been proven innocent and was freed of all charges. And Remus was just Remus. I knew how bad my face looks my eyes were puffy and my nose and cheeks were red. I saw Harry behind then holding chos hand. I miss
Him. In case you couldn't tell. I still need to find a place to stay. I'll find somewhere. I hate it Harry moving on I mean I still love him. I was pulled out of thought by someone sitting next to me. I look to see if Harry's still here he's not so I look at the person next to me. It's Remus.

"Oh hi" I said looking at the ground.

"Hi draco. Harry said something happened between the two of you what was that"

"someone kissed me and it looked as if I kissed her but I wouldn't do that because I love Harry. Always have and always will but he's happy now and that's all that matters." My eyes where full of tears.

"Draco I'm sorry I know it must be hard to see him move on"

I nod "it is but it's not about me anymore it's about him. As long as he's happy I'm happy"

He digs into his pocket and pulls something out

"Heres some chocolate it always makes me feel better."

I took it and smiled

"Thank you"

He then walked back over to Sirius. Sirius saw me and walked over to me
"you bitch malfoy. You-"

"I never cheated on Harry someone kissed me and made it look like I did but I didn't because I love him. Always have always will but as long as he's happy then I'm fine." No I'm not I won't unless I have Harry

"Yeah he seems very happy with cho. But I swear to Merlin if you ever hurt him again I will end you" I nod.


He walks away. I was alone again. I knew someone was staring. I look over and saw Harry staring at me so I got up and started eating the chocolate as I was walking.

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