Rejected and Forgotten (Chapter 1)

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Jayne sighed as she sat down on the low wall that marked the border between no-mans land and the werewolf territory. In this world, there were three sections to each country: no-mans land, vampire territory and werewolf territory. As Jayne was exciled from both the vampire and werewolf territories, she was refined to the small strip of land in between.

She was hunted everyday. Not for blood, and not for food, her blood was tainted, as was her flesh. But still, everyone wanted her to die. Sometimes she would disguise herself as a vampire or werewolf and gather some supplies to keep herself going. Those visits always ended in her nearly being killed, so she tried to make them as rare as possible.

No-mans land was a strip of wasteland about ten miles wide spanning the length of the country. There were only a few dead trees to the north; to the south a dark and gloomy forest. Jayne had heard that there were civilisations inside the werewolf and vampire territories, but she herself had never seen a city before. Suddenly, she heard a howl. Another werewolf out hunting. She quickly shifted and hunched at the base of the wall, her smooth black pelt melting in with the shadows.
Jayne had one slight problem though. Her mother had been the leader of the Clan Of The Night, which ruled half of the vampire lands, if not more. This meant that Jayne was heir to the Clan, and once her mother died she would have to take over leadership. Not only did that mean that she was haunted by the thought that someday she would have to return to the vampires that hated her, it also meant she had a strong scent. A scent was a smell that werewolves could pick up on which defined which Clan you were from. The higher up the rankings in the Clan you were, the stronger the scent, and the easier it was to be picked up on. When she encountered a werewolf, she could never keep her scent hidden for long.

The werewolf was getting closer now, sniffing the air around it curiously. It was a female, around her age. She wanted to step out of hiding, talk to it, be normal.

The werewolf made a weird snuffling noise and it padded on silent paws around the nearest dead tree. A raven sat on the top branch, and the werewolf looked up at it. Her brown-blonde pelt gleamed in the sunlight and her brown eyes sparkled. Jayne fought the instinct to pad out of the shadows and reveal herself, and squeezed her emerald green eyes shut. The raven squawked, the tree rustled, there came a howl and a screech then a thump and silence. Jayne opened her eyes.

The wolf hungrily devoured the lifeless raven. The carcass was tossed aside and Jayne whimpered in disgust as an eyeball rolled towards her and hit her bare feet. The wolfs ears pricked, it had heard her. It padded towards her and her brown eyes locked with Jayne's, surprisingly warm. The wolf cocked her head to one side and then spoke, her voice soft:

"I know you're there." It said, and Jayne opened her eyes slightly more. She was startled, as the wolf had silently moved closer to her and was less than three centimetres away.
"You can't hide from me." Her voice was like liquid silk and trickled through Jayne's ears, before the wolf pounced.

"Please, don't kill me" Jayne whimpered. The other wolf looked up, surprised. It shook its head and transformed into its human like form. She stuck out her hand
"You are my first victim who has spoken to me. I will reward you with life. Your blood is pounding through your body in a filthy state. If you wish for that to change then I will gladly take the vampire from it." She licked her lips and waited for Jayne to answer.

"No." Jayne's words came out as a snarl as she changed back into a human form. "You will not take my heritage away from me." Her lip curled and her fangs slid out of her gum. "This blood is mine, as your blood is yours." Jayne didn't know what was happening. She began to panic as the blood drained from her face and her skin paled. The moon-shaped mark on her forehead appeared, marking her as one of The Clan Of The Night. She was fully in her vampire state now. It seemed to be controlling her, she didn't know what to do. Breaking out of it for a moment, she screamed at the wolf.
"Run!" Suddenly the vampire took over her again and she leapt after the fleeing wolf.

Jayne could no longer control her vampire instincts. They were controlling her. She leapt after the wolf and over the line of the boundary. She was now in werewolf territory. The werewolf turned around and slashed her chest. The loss of blood left her unconscious and the werewolf ran off, thinking she was dead. A male wolf scooped her up and carried her to somewhere safe, planning on putting her out of her misery.

She felt the beating of the male's heart as she was carried along. Thinking he was going to kill her, she whimpered and tried to struggle out his arms, but he held her tighter. She soon fell asleep to the rhythmic thumping of the males running footsteps against the sandy ground.

Jayne woke up later as she was jostled about. She opened her eyes slightly to peer out at the scene around her. The sun was higher in the sky and she was in the arms of a strong, muscly man, not the one who had rescued her earlier. Suddenly, she was thrown into a cell and a door was clanged shut.
"You guard her, Sara." Came a gruff voice then the sound of retreating footsteps.

The female wolf had come, in her human form. She smiled sadly at Jayne and said "Life is hard being like you. I almost pity you, if there is anything you would like me to do then I will try my best" Jayne only wanted two things: rest and the boy.
"Please send me the young man who brought me here. I would like to meet him properly"

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