Chapter 2: Beginning

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Hank's mind shifted from plan to plan. Normally, his plan would be to waltz right in and shoot everything in sight. But this time it was different. He still had no idea what he was getting himself into. Or how to even get into it, honestly.

He had come to the conclusion that he was in a new world. He didn't know how he got here and, to be honest, he didn't really care. All he cared about finding out what this place was and how to get back to Nevada. Surely, if he got in, there was a way to get out.

There was a city with houses, surely there was life in there, maybe he could try to talk with the locals there and see if they had anything that could get him out of here, provided he could hold back his murderous tendencies. Maybe his transportation here was caused by a fault in their technology? There was only one way to find out.

Straightening his posture, Hank started running through the smaller hills to try and get closer to the city.


After a while, he had finally reached the edge of the green hills. Hank was gasping for air, he wasn't used to running this much before, but he thought that the faster he got to the city, the better.

Turning his head to the left, he spotted a thin-looking bridge like structure that had train tracks, reminding him of his train fight with Tricky.

Wait... Tricky?

What was he up to now?

Hank shifted his focus back to his memories. Last time he saw him was when he was fighting his skeleton form with Sanford and smashing his laser-like spine before everything became dark. Was Tricky revived too? In here or in some other world? Or had he simply been brought back to Nevada? Lucky bastard. All this gave Hank more the reason find a way out is this.

Snapping back to reality, Hank started hearing a train's horn and looked in the bridge's direction.   And a train was indeed coming!

Or... at least it looked like one. It was very circular, smooth and shiny looking and made up of the colour orange and yellow, full of windows. Very different from the locomotive trains in Nevada.

Realising this would be the fastest way to get to the city, as the train-track bridge led to the city, Hank started running as fast as he could, hoping to catch it before it zoomed by.

Faster, faster his feet flew forward and back, he was getting closer, and closer... yes, he was going to catch it, he was going to make it.

He was so focused on running that he didn't notice that he was running far too ahead of when train was going to arrive. By the time he realised that, he had already jumped onto the train track.

Finally seeing his miscalculation, Hank began to sweat, the train was approaching fast and jumping out of the track wouldn't give him enough time to jump back and try to catch the train when it passed. Thinking fast, he tried to jump when it was about to hit him in an attempt to push his foot onto the inclined front of the train and use it as a jumping pad to be sent high enough to the roof of the train.


For one second, Hank didn't feel anything, then the force of the impact came onto him like an avalanche. The train's elevated front had hit him square in the stomach, and the impact was strong enough to fling him into the air and land onto the roof.

In a way, his plan HAD worked.

Of course, he survived, he had gone through way worse stuff than that, he begrudgingly got himself up and dusted himself off. There were some small see-through glass domes on the train's roof, so he walked into a position that nobody would spot him behind an opaque dome on the roof.

The train rapidly approaching the city, Hank relaxed and waited.

Hiding behind the dome, he slightly peeked his head out and looked at the glass dome, was anybody looking out of there? Had somebody spotted him? Nobody there yet. Wait... somebody is walking there now, it was...

Hank gasped, a third time since had had woken up here.

An animal?

Or at least, it looked like one to him. Ever since Nevada had been turned upside down by the Improbability drive, Hank barely ever saw animals again, so it took him a while to comprehend what sort of thing he was looking at. The animal had a large jaw, lazy eyes, two buck toothed teeth coming out of his mouth, and what appeared to be a large chest, from what he could see. Was it a... hippo? He was sure he had seen that animal before in Doc's computer.

Nevertheless, what was an ANIMAL doing here? What kind of world was this? Is this just a sick joke? Do they know he's up there and are just playing a prank on him with a costume?

A very well... detailed costume.

His hand reached for the MP5 on him. But soon it stopped.

What was he thinking?

This was most likely a new world. The first thing he was gonna be know for was... a mass shooting? Not the best thing to be proud of. Although he never showed it before, sometimes he was getting tired of being a mercenary. Being stuck in fights every day, getting new wounds everywhere on your body all the time, and an entire organisation hunting you down and not stopping until you're gone from the world.

Even though it was his favourite playground, it was certainly a tiring one.

Cursing to himself, Hank went back to hiding behind the opaque dome.

Looking outwards, he saw the train was close to reaching the city. There it was, the place he was trying to get into. He didn't know what he'd do when he actually got there, especially if there were more animals in that city, but he'd figure it out when he was actually there.

But soon it would be time to find out where he truly was...

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