Chapter 3: Sightseeing

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As the unfamiliar sunlight glistened on the bridge and the roof of the train he was on top of, Hank tried to take one last look at the light blue and dark green surroundings around him before all he would see was the inner layers of the city once the train got there.

This was one of the most bizarre experiences he'd ever had. And that's saying something considering all that had happened in Nevada. Stuck in a bright and colourful land with animals probably living here. How was he ever going to find a way to get them to bring him back to Nevada? 

If they were just grunts, all he had to do was to look around the city and find out what caused him to end up here and to get them to send him back to Nevada and, if they refused, he wouldn't hesitate to use some brute force as a last resort to convince them.

However, now with the civilian knowledge based on what he just saw on the train, this same plan couldn't be executed as smoothly. He didn't know anything about these creatures. What was their personality like? How did they fight? He could get easily overpowered if they fought much differently than the clumsy canon fodder grunts he always steamrolled easily and was used to fighting.

Thus, he needed ANOTHER new plan.

However, before he could think of one his previous surroundings were replaced when the train finally reached the main island where the city was. My, how much sand did this area have? Its texture and the small hills it formed reminded him a lot of the grey faraway dunes of Nevada. 

How many elements of this odd place were going to cause him to have a trip down memory lane? The more he kept experiencing them, the more determined and impatient did he grow, waiting for the train to reach its stop so he could find a way out of this mess.

Shifting his focus back to his surroundings again, Hank felt speechless (even if he already was often a grunt of few words), admiring all the hypnotic orange dunes around him, filled with roads, houses, and even a giant palm-looking building that he had to bring his head all the way up to view the whole structure.

Due to being outside of the train, he also felt the rising warmth of his surroundings beginning to become quite noticeable on his grey skin's nerves. He had never felt like this in a long time, except for maybe sometimes when he was close to fire in Nevada? The cold, unforgiving Nevada wasteland sure was a big differences to this warm and quite cosy looking desert civilisation.

 He had never felt like this in a long time, except for maybe sometimes when he was close to fire in Nevada? The cold, unforgiving Nevada wasteland sure was a big differences to this warm and quite cosy looking desert civilisation

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Looking around, he also saw many large sandstone and wood skyscrapers, along with large rock formations as the train kept moving further and further on the track. 

If just one of the part of the city was this big, how large was the entire city with all the areas combined? The mercenary felt his head hurt a bit from the sudden realisation that hit him. Boy, it sure was going to be hard to find who or what can bring him back to Nevada. He didn't even know where to start looking once the train reached its destination...

As the district sand-towns and buildings began to lower in size and quantity, Hank saw the train was approaching a tunnel wall with... heaters in it? Was that why this desert area was so hot? He could feel the immense heat radiating of the heated grill metal bars just by looking at them.

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