Chapter 8- The Tower

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"I can't believe we are really here!" I gush looking up at the tower in awe "I know it feels surreal to see it in person right?" Peter says and I nod "I am so jealous you get to come here every week and do an internship" I say and again that same smile that doesn't meet his eyes returns "it's almost five we should head in" he says and I agree walking in with him I blush as he doesn't let go of my hand.

"Hello we are here for the tour" Peter says showing his badge and a ticket "ah Parker!" a man in a suit nearby runs over "Happy" Peter smiles and I look at the man.

He looks anything but Happy "this is the second tour this month still fanboying huh?" the man asks making Peter blush in embarrassment a glare in his eyes as he nods towards me and the man looks next to him seeing me and our hands joined "ahh" he says knowingly.

"Arya this is Happy he is a security guard here, Happy this is Arya my f-friend" Peter introduces us "finally nice to see a friend other than Ned for a change" Happy says holding out his hand and I shake it shyly. 

"Here you go Mr Parker a visitor badge for you both" the receptionist says handing two lanyards we both take one each putting them on. Peter finally let go of my hand so we can put them on but I was still blushing.

With Brad it was different I can't explain it. 

Peter made me feel things that I hadn't felt before but then I have never liked someone before.

"Through there you will meet the rest" the receptionist says and Peter nods "I will see you later" Happy says walking off as another guard called him over.

"Happy?" I whisper as we walk towards the way the receptionist had pointed for us "yeah I know he doesn't look it does he?" he says and I nod my head smiling with him.

"Everyone who is here for the tour please come around here we will begin in a few minutes just in case people are late" the guy at the front say.

"So your second time this month?" I bring up as everyone begins talking again "you wouldn't?" he asks "hmm maybe not if I was already working here" I tease nudging him "maybe you are a bigger fan then me" I smile and he playfully glares.

A few minutes go by and everyone showed up and was ready to go.

The tour started on the bottom floor going up and up Peter showing me things before the tour person could tell us or things that the tour person hadn't pointed out but I loved all of it trying to keep everything engraved in my memory since I won't get to retake this tour ever again. 

I was taking in things in the labs seeing what they were working on and things that were written down when no one was looking just to see what they had used for certain things or might be working on in the future.

Peter really did know this place like the back of his hand "oh and this is where he started building anti-gravity devices" he says in a whisper making me giggle as the person walking us around kept glaring at him every few seconds "with that this is the highest floor we can adventure too" the tourist says letting people let out a few disappointed sighs.

I can't believe the hour was almost up we only got to floor 9. 

"Wanna sneak of?" Peter asks in a whisper "what?" I ask in disbelief "well the tour is almost over and you wanted to speak to Mr Tony Stark right?" he says and I frown "I thought you said he-"

"I kinda told a fib I'm sorry" he says making my eyes widen in sadness "then how- Peter we can't just go up to his personal floors and bother him!" I whisper yell at him "we can! look I have my work badge and I stole you a work badge so we can get past security" he says pulling another work badge out of nowhere as people begin to exit "Peter no! It's 6 pm we need to be back in an hour I can't risk getting arrested-"

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