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Oh my holy fucking god.

Alyssa Olsen kisses Rae like it's the only thing she'll ever do. Like it's her final destiny, and maybe it is.

Her body isn't even on the ground; her mind is floating far, far away. She can only focus on the feeling on lips on lips, skin on skin, sparks igniting and morphing into flames. Rae tastes familiar, and oh so sweet. Ally completely succumbs to the other woman's touch, loses any and all thoughts of her own.

And then, as quickly as it appeared, the bubble is popped. By a very satisfied Imane, a smirk resting on her mouth.

" Took you guys long enough! " She exclaims. Ally can feel her brain short-circuiting. Her thoughts come in rapid fire.

" Imane! " Rae ( who I just kissed ) cries out ( oh my god did I really just do that?? ) in indignation. ( sweet mother of god and everything that is holy I JUST KISSED RACHELL HOFSTETTER ON HER FUCKING LIPS!!! )

There's a new energy hanging in the air, it's electric and exciting and exhilarating and Ally wants to bottle it up and save it forever and ever.

She does the second best thing to that, and takes a deep breath. Inhales, keeps the air tight in her lungs for seven seconds before letting it out in a drawn out exhale. The action calms her racing mind. Ally risks a glance at Rae, only to find the streamer staring back into her eyes like she'll find the answers to the mystery of the world in there, and maybe she will. Ally drowns in mocha brown, drinks up every last drop of the smooth, rich shades of chestnut and cedar, thinks she will never ever get enough of those gorgeous eyes placed on a gorgeous face of a gorgeous women WHO SHE JUST KISSED!

To say that Ally is in awe would be an understatement.

" Ally, " Rae starts, more words clearly forming on the tip of her tongue. In those gorgeous, gorgeous eyes, something shifts.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Ally decides in that moment, and screw anyone who says it's too early to be so bold. Screw anyone who tries to stop her.

The simplicity of it all is so overwhelming and yet underwhelming at the very same time. Ally loves Rae. Unconditionally. She wants to grow old with her. She wants to kiss those same lips when she's forty, sixty, ninety years old.

As if to seal that promise, she kisses Rae. Their lips touch once more.

It's firm this time, none of the tentative ' I really hope this is okay with you ', and more of the ' This is real and this is happening and I will die if I can't taste you one more time ' .

"Woah, woah, get a room you guys!" Imane interrupts their kiss, once more.

"Be quiet Imane!" Celine scolds. Turning to the two women with ghosts of kisses still lingering on their lips, she says, "They're in love. This is so adorable."

"That kiss was straight out of a movie, or some cheesy fanfiction!" Janet adds, grinning.

Imane sighs. "They're so cute it makes me want to vomit. Where do I get someone to kiss me like tha- oh hello, Callie."

The redhead bursts through the open doorway, gasping for air. She's still wearing her workout-clothes; a matching sports bra and leggings, and it's not lost on Ally how Imane rakes her eyes up and down Cal's body.

"Fuck, did I miss it? Did they kiss? Ally left without saying anything to me, and I totally freaked out, but then I remembered she's a gay mess, so I figured she must be with her girlfriend Rae, but then I was like 'Oh wait those dumbasses haven't confessed their love yet!' so I sprinted here so I could catch the lovebirds in time. Some stupid fucking truck almost rammed into me, but I'm good now, don't worry."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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