4. Feline

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Feline Origin


-Jump boost
Cat's have a jump boost that is tripled compared too a normal person's jump.
(6blocks up)

-Speed Boost
Cat's have a speed boost that is doubled compared too a normal person's speed, while running of course.

-Winner Winner, Fishy Dinner
When a cat eats a fish, or any type of marine based animal they will get the same amount of hunger filled from a cooked fish while eating a raw fish.
They also have the ability to eat tropical fish, along with pufferfish without being poisoned.
These rules do not apply for tropical fish and pufferfish though.

-Land on your feet
Cat's do not take fall damage if the height is less than thirty blocks up.

-Cat claws
Cat's do double damage when hitting somebody.

-Scary Cat
Cat's scare creepers away easily.

-Night Vision
Cat's can see well in dark areas.

-Nine Lives
Cat origins have Nine lives


-Cat claws
Cat's do not do double damage with weapons, only with their bare hands.

-Scary Cat
If a cat hits, or comes in contact with a creeper it will immediately explode out of fear.

Cat's have bad vision during the day and are often exhausted and weak during the day.

-Nine lives
Based on having more lives they also have less health.
(One less heart)

Cat's can only eat meat, including fish.

-Quick Digestion
Cat's get hungry faster then others.

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