6. Serpent

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Serpent Origin


Serpents often have sharp fangs, wether for biting or shooting venom.

-Venom shot
Depending on the type of serpent, constrictor or venomous. The serpent can often shoot venom from their fangs.

-Smooth Skin
Serpent's skin is so smooth that barely anything can hold them. Especially if they're in water.

-Serpent's Tail
Serpents often have a tail that starts at their waist and often stretch farther then their legs.

-Scale Patches
Serpents may have random patches of scales all over their body. These scales can help them in many ways depending on whether their for water resistants, or fire.


-Venom clog
Often when serpents go to use venom, and stop. It can cause a venom clog this may make the serpent faint or paralyze them, this can also cause swollen spots where the venom is stuck.

-smooth skin
From serpents having smooth skin, items they may be holding, might slip out of their grasp or slip off their body.
Making it harder for them too keep stuff on them.

-Tasting smell
As too snakes using they're tongue's too smell, so do people of this origin! So basically they'll just randomly flick they're tongue every so often.

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