5. Moth

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Moth Origin


People of this origin will be born with a pair of wings on their back, this means they have the power to fly.
Their wings can vary from colors depending on the type of moth they are will vary the color and pattern on their wings.

-Fabric fundamental
As you know, moths are known to eat clothing. This giving people of this origin the ability too eat wool, and leather.

They have strength during the night, this also causes them too fly faster.

-Night vision
Moths have Night Vision, this mostly has to do with the fact that they are nocturnal.


-Quick Digestion
Cat's get hungry faster then most, as their digestive system is stronger than average as they can digest leather and wool.

For Moths being Nocturnal this means that they often will feel weaker during the day, along with having exhaustion. Their vision is also slightly worse during the day.

-Wet wings
Moths cannot fly when their wings are wet, as the extra weight will weigh them down and they will not be able to wear any armor except gold. (They can of course wear leather but they have a tendency to eat the fabric.)


I would like too say that this origin idea is based of a book called

"Valley Of The Damned"

It is a TechnoBlade×Reader
And a great story.

I definitely recommend reading it, especially if you like the origin smp and want too see origin smp plus ×reader books.

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