Chapter 4

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"Well Rani..."

"These are my family..." Kion muttered. The Night Pride, was just shocked and suprised.

"Family!?" The Night Pride shouted, at the same time, Kion putting his ears down, his ears been sensitive.

"Uhm, y-yeah?" Kion stuttered out.

"Well then. In that case, I am Queen Rani, i am sorry for the way I have acted." Rani apologies, as she stood nex to Kion.

"Its quite alright." Queen Nala said.

Kion, walking upto his parents, which Nala licked his cheek, his father nuzzling him.

"This is my mom and dad, also known, as King Simba, and Queen Nala!" Kion then pulled away, and turning to his siblings, walking upto them.

"And this is, Kiara, Kopa, Kovu, and Vitani!" Kion said, as the Night Pride, welcomed them.

"Nice to meet you!" Baliyo said.

"You too!" Kiara shouted, Kion flinching at the volume. He moved in between Kopa, and Vitani, then both noticing how Kion flinched at any loud volume.

"Kion!" They all heard somebody shout, as which Kion being called by his name and knew who it was, he moved over towards the wall with the paintings, where he was before.

"Yes Makini!" He shouted back, Makini coming from behind some vines.

"Uhm, so are we going to go back to what we were talking about before?" Makini asked, Kion nodded, his face becoming serious.

"Uhm, Makini, can we continue the talk, in a few hours?" Kion asked, as Makini smiled and nodded.

"Of course! Just come and find me, when your ready." Makini said, then went back behind the vines, Kion turning around, seeing his family looking his way, as his mate, was giving him a bit of a worried look, so was all of the Night Pride.

"So~ you guys, never answered my question from before?" Kion said, the royal family and Night Pride, following Kion outside.

"Well, we thought we would come and visit you for a bit!" King Simba explained to his son.

"Uhm, okay?" Kion said, a bit unsure.

"Well, uhm..." Kion muttered, as he turned around, from hearing fast footsteps, in which Kion sighed and sat down, and started counting from 3 to 1.

"Kion!?" Fuli had shouted, as she came and crashed into Kion, Bunga flying and landed by King Simba.

"Fuli, get off." Kion said, as Fuli got off of his back, Bubga getting up, holding his head.

"Bunga, why were you on Fulis back. Again!?" Kion shouted, as Bunga shrugged.

"Shes just sooo soft!" Bunga said, getting up and turning around.

"Oh! When did the King and Queen get here?" Bubga asked, Fuli walking upto the King and Queen, bowing down.

"Nice to see you again, your majesty!" Fuli said, as she stood back up.

"You too, Fuli!" The King says, as Rani walks over to Kion, seeing him looking over at the animals herd, which is near the tree.

"Hey Kion, are you okay?" Rani asks her mate, as Kion looks at her, Rani nuzzling him, and sitting down next to her.

"Huh? Oh! Uhm, yeah. I'm okay!" Kion tries his best to lie, but it isn't his strong suit.

"Okay..." Rani went along with it, as Kion looked back around.

"Hey, how bout we give my family the tour if the Tree tommorow! With your oh, so famous 'Welcome To The Tree Of Life' song." Kion mocks Rani, as she laughs and betends to he offered.

"How dare you!?" She shouts, in a very dramatic tone, Fuli and Bunga turning around and laughing.

"He intimidating you again!" Fuli shouted over, as she stood up and walked over to them, Kion sitting down, as Rani chuckled and nodded, then both walking off somewhere.

"So buddy! What're we doing?" Bunga asked, Kion, as the honeybadger jumped up onto the said lions back.

"Bunga, seriously!?" Kion shouted, as Bubga messed up his mane.

"Come on Kion!" Bunga shouts, running off, as Kion laughs and runs after Bubga, soon pinning him down and picking him up by the scruff of his neck walking back over to his family and setting Bubga down.

"Why did you do that!?" Bunga shouted, Kion wincing a bit.

"Because, I don't trust you without someone their with you!" Kion admits, as he turns to his family.

"So~ I was thinking about, since its about 6:00, we have dinner around 7:30. So maybe, tommorow I can give to a tour and the rest of the day, we just lazy around." Kion said his plan out loud, in which his family licked.

"Sound great son!" King Simba says.

About half an hour later, Rani comes out of the tree, walking over to Kion, who was talking to his two brother and two sisters, his parents were talking to the Night Pride.

"Kion!" Rani called out, Kion standing up.

"Whats up Rani?" He asked, Rani smiling abit, giving puppy dog eyes. Kion sighs.

"Let my guess. You want me to go hunting." Kion guessed, in which Rani smiled and nodded.

"Yep, okay!" Kion says, him and Rani, both going back to his siblings.

"Okay, so you know where the best meat is, right?" Rani asked, in which Kion sighs and nodded, then turned to her.

"At the South side of the Tree. By the ice." Kion said, Rani nodded, then turned to his siblings.

"So~ do any of you guys wanna go hunting for some dinner, with Kion?" Rani asked Kions siblings, which they all smiled and nodded.

"Okay, you all wanna go? Thats fine. Keep an eye on Kion. He can get a bit carried away with hunting." Rani says, but whispers the bit about 'Keep an eye on Kion. He can get a bit carried away with hunting', to his siblings.

"Be carful Kion! And, don't get to carried away, we only need about two Antelopes or Gazels?" Rani said, licking Kion on his cheek, before he left, leaving Kopa, Kovu, Vitani and Kiara smirking.

"Bye Rani!" Kion shouts, as they all run up the hill, towards the North.

Kion's life: Royal Family Visits Kion At The Tree Of LifeWhere stories live. Discover now