Athan - Sweet Tooth (Slight NSFW)

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Vampire (Male) x Human Reader (Female):

Rules: (A/N: Author's Note), (E/C: Eye Colour).

As I stared at the bandage around my neck, I wondered if the bleeding had finally stopped. I was bleeding a lot yesterday after Athan had bitten me. Of course, I didn't mind that he did, it was just a pain that he always managed to bite me where the bigger veins were.

I flinched as I felt a chill take over my body, and then a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist tightly. Athan was standing behind me, leaning down and pressing his cool lips to my bandaged neck gently, exactly the spot where he had bitten me just yesterday. His brown messy hair fell over his eyes, covering their amazing colour that I had come to love. "Admiring yourself, love?" He asked softly. "Never. Admiring your work on me though." I smiled playfully. His pale cheeks reddened, and I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. Did I mention that our night last night, was rather...eventful? I was covered head to toe in his love marks and bites. "Sorry." He mumbled softly into my neck. Turning myself around in his arms, I lifted my hands and cupped his cheeks, playfully squishing them up. "How many times do I have to say that I do not mind. In fact, I love them so much, I don't think I could love myself without them." "They do fade..." He said softly while pulling my hands from his face. He hated when I squished them, it made him seem childish apparently. "Well, you'll have to replace every single one, won't you?" I said softly against his lips once I pressed mine to his. He hummed and bit my lip playfully.

"Are we going to try again tonight?" I asked him. He hummed again and pulled away from the kiss. When I say, 'try again', I mean as in having sex, wanting a child. We've been trying to have a baby for a while now, it has gotten down to try almost every day unless tired or said otherwise. But the both of us have already tried multiple time with unprotected sex, and without success as well. Now, I don't even try and take pregnancy tests. Instead, we simply just assume that it didn't work, and we try again that night or the day after. Though... Recently I had lost a little bit of my appetite and felt a little nauseous in the early mornings. Yesterday, while Athan was at work, I went out and bought a pregnancy test. I was too scared to use it at first, but today was the day I would!

Athan moved back from me, moving to our closet where he quickly got dressed. Putting on his white button up, trousers, suit, tie, shoes, he then packed his bag. Making my way back to the bed, I purposely dropped my robe to the floor before laying on my side, against the bed. Tangling my two legs together slightly, I then rested my palm against my hip. Athan had always loved this little pose. "God! I have one of the sexiest children's doctor around!" I cooed. It had caused Athan to flinch slightly, but a smile grew on his lips before turning his attention towards me. At that, he froze, his fiery crimson eyes following down the shape of my body. "Y/N..." He groaned, "That is unfair, and you know it!" He moved towards the door, practically tearing his eyes from my body. I pouted, but I knew he had to get to work.

With a sigh, I got under the covers of the bed and hugged his pillow to my body. His scent was on it and caused a smile and a small blush to appear on my cheeks. "You smelling my pillow again like a weirdo?" He asked with a soft chuckle. Instantly, my face brightened in colour. "I-It's not weird!" I then pout. "I just miss you already..." I admit quietly into the pillow. "Aww... Baby..." He replied before making his way towards the bed. I buried my face in the pillow when I felt the bed dip under his weight. I felt his hand on my shoulder, rubbing soft circles on my bare skin. "You still do this even after all this time that we've been together?" He whispered. "You're busy a lot, so I only get you late in the afternoons now, or sometimes not even every day..." I pulled back from the pillow, my E/C eyes looking up into his. He tilted his head, a loving smile on his lips. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead, and I had leaned into it. "I'm coming home earlier than usual today, around two? Or three... One of them. And then I have the next three days off, so we can do whatever you'd like." He assured me. I whimpered softly but nodded my head. I felt like a child who was on the verge of tears. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a red lollipop. He unwrapped it and placed it up to my lips. "Here, I know they make you feel better in a way." He said softly. Taking the red lollipop in my mouth, I welcomed the taste of cherry. But he quickly pulled the lollipop from my mouth within a few seconds and pressed his lips to mine. I was more eager about the kiss than the lollipop, instantly, I kissed back.

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