Tobias - Teddy Bear (SFW - Part One)

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Werebear (Male) x Human Reader (Female):

Rules: (Y/N: Your Name), (E/C: Eye Colour).

I couldn't remember much. Just that I was cold, barely wearing any clothing. A few rags either too small or too big. Passed on clothing from those before me... Then, I fell unconscious and everything went black.

Suddenly it was warm. Very warm and I didn't want to leave that warmth. I'd nuzzle into and it was when I felt something tickle my nose that I'd lift my head and look over what was underneath me. Fur... Fur? A fur blanket. Maybe a wolf? I didn't know. I wasn't from around here. So it could be a deer, a wolf, a-

Where was I? Turning my E/C eyes around, I gasped in fright as a large figure stood in the open doorway. "You're awake? How're you feeling?" It was deep male's voice. But it were also soft. Gentle. "Yeah... Is this um... Your home?" I then asked as the large figure stepped into the room. But rather making his way to the bed where I sat, he instead made his way to a drawer, digging about through it. Soon enough, a large black shirt was placed on the bed. "I doubt my pants will be small enough to stay on your body. Yet, my shirts would sort of be like dresses on you. But anyway, yeah. This is my place. My names Tobias by the way." The male had to have stood over 6 foot. Towering completely over my own height. His hair were a dark brown, neat and clipped, yet longer at the front where it fell over his eyes. Speaking of which... Those eyes... A baby blue. So pretty. His skin was also tanned, making those blues stand out further. Despite his...larger figure, he also seemed quite strong. A bit of muscle to the male, especially so on his arms.

"You were actually only twenty feet or so away from my place." He scratched the back of his neck. "But I'm just glad that I managed to get to you in time. I was beginning to think it was too late." He added. Too late? "How long was I out for?" I asked. "Oh... Only a few hours. But I'm a bit of a worry wart. I overthink a lot." He replied with a nervous laugh. To actually hear him admit such a thing... It was actually cute. "Oh! Um- My name is Y/N. As for where I'm from..." I went quiet for a brief moment. "I can't really recall-" "You lost your memory?" "No!" I squawked in response. "I mean I know where I came from. But my home place. The place I was born, and family... I'm not quite sure where that is." I reached for the spare shirt given to me, pulling it closer to look over the plain material. "What about the place you came from before now. Did they leave you behind? Accidentally wander off?" He questioned while sitting at the end of the bed. Jeez... Those eyes were just staring me down. Right into the soul. Scary, but this man seemed anything but scary. Despite just meeting him and all.

I shook my head furiously. "That place-! That place was definitely not my home. Let alone, a home in general. It's filled with terrible people. Now that's it's winter as well, the people there had only grown more horrible." Tobias hummed in response. "How so?" He then asked. My... He was a curious man. "They're just... It's kind of a camp for the troubled people, and people that are trouble. So you can assume the worst of the worst would be staying there. There's those that are selfish and care for nothing but their own greed and power. Those who ones would call 'bullies' back in school. Plus many worse people. Some of which I unfortunately have experienced first hand by them. But anyway.... My point is that I ran away. It sounds childish. But I needed to get away." "Troubled? Forgive me for simply stating but you don't seem troubled..." He questioned further? I felt myself hesitate. "Mentally ill people as well." I hummed. It wasn't a secret I wanted to desperately keep, but I also didn't see the need in mentioning. "Ah." He straightened up and softly smiled, tucking his hands into his pocket. "Just guessing, but, depression?" He asked. How did he know? "Yeah." He nodded and made his way back to the door, "When you're dressed, come downstairs. I've got some stew dredging made and I must admit, I'm quite proud of it." He smiled brightly. I gave the smallest of nods and watched as he disappeared, closing the door behind him.

What a kind man.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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