Victoria - Honey Biscuits (NSFW - Part One)

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Queen Bee (Futa) x Plus-Sized Human Reader (Female):

Rules: (A/N: Author's Note),(Y/N: Your Name), (E/C: Eye Colour), (Y/H: Your Height), (Y/B/S: Your Breast Size).

For the fifth time, I swear I had tripped and almost tipped all of the biscuits and jar of honey from my small basket. Last night, there had been a terrible storm, meaning that my usual path I took into the forest, was covered in branches and upturned trees. And because of the storm that only finished this morning, it had postponed my usually trip into the forest. Usually after my coffee, three times a week, I would make my way into the forest and leave a basket of honey sugar biscuits and a small jar honey in a certain place of the forest, which is where it would soon disappear after I leave. Or at least, the jar of honey would and the biscuits. The basket would be left. I was unsure what really took the food, and I was curious every time. So, this time, I would wait nearby and try and catch a glimpse of what would take them.

Finally making it to the place I would usually stop at, a hollow fallen tree, I kneeled down. I didn't care about the fact on how my light-blue sun dress was getting dirty from the wet earth at my knees. I was only excited by my plan. Standing up, I brushed off my knees before rushing off behind some other trees nearby. There was a huge smile on my face as I felt as though I was a child who had come up with a brilliant plan of spying on Santa Clause. Except, I wasn't sure what exactly was taking the cookies this time.

Within minutes of waiting, a somewhat buzzing sound was heard, and I lifted my eyes from the moss-covered roots of the tree to the where the basket was. But... It wasn't there anymore... Wait... I moved out from behind the tree and quickly made my way over to hollowed out tree. The basket wasn't even further inside! They took the basket as well this time. This had been...what? The fifteenth time I had done this, and they decide to take my basket now? The faint buzzing in the distance was still presence, so, turning my eyes up in the direction it was coming from, I quickly began running in that direction. There were a few times where I almost tripped over some rocks but recovered quite quickly before running again.

And soon enough, I had come to a stop, a gasp leaving my lips after rounding a corner. There, standing near some vines that hung down like a blanket over a large cliff, was... Well... A creature of some sort. Well, it looked...almost human? Their short honey blonde hair swayed at their shoulders slightly, their brown eyes staring back at me in some sort of shock. By the body type, they were male, or so I believed. But the only thing that really separated them from being human, was the body of a bee...or wasp? It seemed to be attached from behind them, along with a pair of wings on their back and a pair of antennas that twitch every second, sat on the top of their head. I took a step back and they gritted their teeth in annoyance. Turning their eyes towards the vines, as if thinking, they finally slowly placed my basket on the floor. Wait... My basket...? They were the ones that stole my basket.

The creature began walking towards me, their strides becoming faster until running towards me. A surprised yelp left my lips and before I even got the chance to run after spinning on my heels, the creature grabbed a hold of my dress from the back, pulling me back. "So annoying!" He growled out as he began pulling me back to where he once stood. I didn't fight back at this point, unsure of what was really happening. But as soon as he picked my basket back up, I spoke, "H-Hey! Wait! That's mine. I need it back." I stated while reaching out towards it. But he simply made a clicking sound before moving the basket from my reach. "If you don't shut up, I will literally feed you to the others." He spat. I instantly shut my mouth.

Pushing the vines on the cliff back, I noticed a cave on the inside, leading to some light further in. "So heavy!" Suddenly, I felt my feet leave the ground, his arm moving around my waist. The buzzing sound had returned and not before long, we were flying towards the light. I turned my eyes up to see that the wings were nothing but a blur. They also seemed to be what was making the buzzing sound. He was flying us towards the light and soon enough, the light turned into an open, large, yellow room. But before I had a chance to notice any details, we turned a sharp corner. Eventually, his feet touch the smooth stone floor and a caramel-coloured wooden door stood in front of us. He knocked twice before entering, moving inside. It was quite dark inside, though it was easy to make out shapes of furniture. "Are those my lovely biscuits?" Asked a soft voice from another room nearby, the light being the only source. Perhaps a bathroom or walk in closet? "Yes, my Queen. A jar of honey as well. Not to mention that a small pest seemed to have followed." He simply dropped me to the floor, landing on my knees painfully with a small thud. "Oh?" Suddenly, a woman's head poked itself from the room. She was quite tall from where she stood, and two long antennas hung down in front of her face. Suddenly, a smile grew on her lips at the sight of me. "Thank you, Thomas. You may leave and if you wish, you may take a biscuit." The creature said to be named as 'Thomas', simply shook his head with a smile before making his way out the room. "Very well, more for us." She moved out from the room, turning the light off so that the room we were in was pitch black. The only sound being the sound of footprints nearby. The lights then suddenly turned on, causing me to blink at the surprise. The woman seemed to have been standing a few feet away, not taking a moment to think before she stood in front of me.

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