Ch. 1

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Lauren's POV

   Louis pulls up to the house that is practically being guarded by paps. He drives through the gate and parks in the garage. I smile down at my gorgeous princess and kiss her cheek. Jay and Louis get out as I sit with Rosemary so we don't leave her alone.

"Love she's fine to be alone for one second," Jay coos at me.

"I don't want to neglect her," I pout making her coo at me.

"It's not neglect unless you leave her here," she tells me. "Now come on," she smiles at me. I kiss my baby's cheek again then quickly get out. Louis catches me as I trip trying to rush back to my baby.

"Careful angel! We just got back from the hospital, don't make me take you back," he teases. I blush and stand up.

"Sorry! I just don't like her out of my sight," I explain.

"I understand baby," he smiles and kisses me helping me to relax. "Mum, pull her visor down for a minute," Louis asks Jay. He gives me another kiss then we both walk over to where Jay is standing guard over her for me. Louis disconnects the carrier from the carseat base, careful to not wake her up, and lifts it out of the car. He moves out of the line of sight since the garage is still open for the others to come in. "Angel, come get her," he says to me. I carefully unclip her little buckles that hold her in and I lift her up. Louis kisses my cheek then puts the carrier back in the car. She won't be travelling until she has her appointments anyway, so we don't need it out. Louis and Jay grab our stuff and carry it inside behind me.

Lulu runs over to us excited to see we are home. I bend down and let Lulu smell Rosemary, but not letting her touch her. "Meet your baby sister, Rosemary," I say to Lulu who continues to check her out. Zayn and Hailey walk in and coo at me.

"Introducing your children," Zayn asks with a smile.

"Of course," I grin. "Here," I say lifting Rosemary for one of them to hold. Hailey beats Zayn to it and grins at her. I pet Lulu quickly then have Zayn help me up. I quickly wash my hands then walk back to them.

"Do you want her back," Hailey asks.

"You can hold her a minute if you want," I smile.

"I didn't think you'd be this chill about letting us hold her," she admits.

"She's not," Louis laughs coming downstairs with Jay. "Don't you see how her eyes are not moving off of you and Rosemary?" I blush and move into his arms as he comes over to me.

"Don't take her out of her sight," Jay warns them.

"I saw her trip in the garage," Zayn snickers. I flip him off.

"She wanted to get back to her as fast as possible," Louis explains and kisses my temple with a smile.

"You sure you are ok with me holding her," Hailey double checks skeptically.

"Yes. Just don't take her out of my sight," I say repeating what Jay said.

Someone knocks on the front door and I look at Louis confused since everyone knows to just come in the garage. He kisses my temple again and answers it to Niall's family. Theo runs to me and hugs me.

"Where is she," he asks eagerly. I laugh and point to Hailey. He runs to her and she lets him see Rosemary.

"How was she," I hear Greg ask Louis.

"She did so well! I was genuinely surprised at how she was coping with the pain," Louis says. Denise comes over to me and hugs me.

"Congratulations love! How are you feeling," she smiles.

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