Ch. 4

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Lauren's POV

   I take Louis' hand in mine as I drive to McDonald's. "I'm so excited for McDonald's breakfast," I grin.

   "Something is not right with you babe," Louis laughs.

   "I'm perfectly fine sunshine," I chuckle. "Are you enjoying fatherhood?"

   "Absolutely! It's better than I imagined," he admits grinning brightly. My heart swells at how happy he is. I rub my thumb on the back of his hand as I drive. "How's motherhood?"

   "Demanding, but I'm happy. I love her so much and I only want to see her smile," I admit with the biggest smile on my face. He coos at me.

   When we get to McDonald's, I order everything I did when we came home from Brighton then order Louis' and everyone else's. As we wait in the line, I suddenly want breakfast from Starbucks too. I turn on some music and sing along to it softly as I people watch.

   "What are you doing," Louis chuckles amused.

   "What do you mean baby," I look at him confused.

   "You look like you're spying on someone," he chuckles.

   "Oh. I'm just people watching," I smile. I admire him for a second before I lean over the middle and press my lips to his. He moans and cups my cheek to catch me from shoving him against the door with my force. I lick his lip and he opens his mouth for my tongue. We make out heavily until I hear the car in front of us move. We pull away panting with smiles on our faces.

   "It'll be £47.83," the girl in the window says. I hand Louis' card to her and she chuckles. "Enjoy your snog?"

   "Absolutely," I smile proudly with a blush.

   "It looked nice. Made me want a kiss like that," she smiles back. She swipes his card then hands it back with the receipt.

   "What are we getting for Kelsey's birthday," Louis asks glancing at me after looking at his phone.

   "I had picked out a whole outfit for her, but I don't know if I should after yesterday," I admit quietly.

   "Be the bigger person. It's her birthday and she's not exactly Elly," he says.

   "True," I sigh. The girl hands us three big bags of food before telling us to have a great day. I thank her then start my drive to Starbucks.

   "Where are you going," Louis laughs.

   "I want a wrap from Starbucks too...or maybe a bap from Costa," I hum debating what I want. He bursts out laughing.

   "Baby are you insane? You have a ton of food," he laughs.

   "Yes I'm insane. That's why you married me," I reply. "You know I'll eat it."

   "You're wild angel," he laughs and kisses my cheek. I finally decide on Starbucks and get one wrap and a double chocolate chip frappechino. Louis ends up drinking half of it by the time we get home.

   "That was mine," I tell him giving him a look as we sit in the car staring at each other.

   "You didn't ask what I wanted," he shrugs and sips more. My jaw drops at him making him laugh.

   "You're lucky it's a venti!"

   "More for me then," he grins and sips more making me whine like a baby. He laughs and kisses me. "I'm joking." He gives it to me and I immediately start drinking it like I usually do. It's almost always gone in fifteen minutes. Thanks to Louis it'll be seven and a half minutes.

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