Ch. 3

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Lauren's POV

"Lou," I look at him as we pass the park.

"Yes baby," he asks.

"Can we walk around the park with her?"

"If you want," he smiles and turns to park. "Do you want to let her have her shade up if she's awake?"

"Sure," I smile and glance at her seeing she is sucking on her thumb. I know it'll be a bad habit later if we don't stop it early, but she's had a rough day. And she's adorable. I take her picture and smile. "If fans start to crowd her or take pictures, she's not having her shade up," I tell him.

"That's what I was thinking too," he admits. When we park, I take her out of her car seat and feed her so she can relax as we walk. I give her a big kiss then put her back in and give her the lion. She likes to grab his mane. I kiss her cheek again then help Louis with getting her into the stroller.

Once she's all set, I lock the car and take Louis' hand as he pushes the stroller. I lift her shade and smile down at her. She's so cute how she can't see far, but it's all different. Her little eyes are darting around to look at things.

   "What is she doing princess," Louis asks.

   "You come look," I smile and swap with him. "You've been carrying her all day. I can push the stroller." He smiles grateful that he is able to spend time with her like I have today.

   "LAMB," Harry yells making us jump in shock. I see him driving with the window down.

   "What a wanker," Louis shakes his head at Harry as Haz parks. "I wanted us time."

   "Me too. When they are bored we will get it," I kiss his cheek. He sighs and nods. Harry and Kelsey meet us since we waited for them.

   "Are you going on a family stroll," Harry smiles and bends down to Rosemary to kiss her forehead.

   "Yes," I laugh. "We had our appointments and now we are going on a walk!" He coos making Louis and I laugh. He's a goofball. "Hey Kels," I smile at her.

   "Hey," she gives me a fake smile and a half wave. Clearly she's mad at me for something. Harry gives her a dirty look, but focuses back on Rosemary.

   "Why is she still using the lion? My lamb is better for her to hold onto," Harry whines.

"She likes the mane. Leave her alone," I give him a look. She's literally an innocent baby who doesn't even understand what she's touching.

"Awe! She's sucking her thumb," Kelsey coos.

"You know that's a bad habit," Harry says.

"She's my baby. I will parent her how I want. She's had a rough day so I'm letting her do it. She is going to do it anyway." He throws his hands up making Louis and Kelsey laugh.

"What did they do at the doctor," Kelsey asks Louis as we start walking again.

"Drew her blood and checked it, checked her bones, joints, reflexes, senses, lungs, heart, privates, all that fun stuff," Louis answers.

"Poor RoRo," Kelsey pouts looking down at Rosemary.

"I think Lauren was more nervous than Rosemary," Louis chuckles smiling at me.

"I didn't want to see her upset. She's just an innocent baby," I pout.

"But it's necessary to make sure she's ok," Harry smiles at me.

"I know, but she's my little princess," I pout more. They all coo at me.

A police car speeds past the park causing Rosemary to cry at the loud noise. Louis picks her up and tries to calm her as we keep walking.

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