chapter 7

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Alicia's pov: I walked to my 6th period class, knowing I was late. My ceramics teacher never cares when I'm late. Besides, I finished my project already. I was the first one done out of my whole class. I walked in and sat in my chair. The girl from early this morning walked in out of me out of breath. " sorry I'm late mr ott.... I got lost," said Molly. " that's ok... uhm how bout you sit there right in front of alicia. Alicia raise your hand so she knows where you are at," said the teacher. I put my hand up high and mighty. Molly came over and sat in front of me. " Hi Molly, wanna be friends?" I ask politely. " uhhh sure," she said. I ask, " well when's your lunch." She said," next period." "you should totally sit with me and kendalynn and audrianna," I say. She replies with, " well your in luck, kendalynn already asked 3rd period." Me and molly continue talking. I help her with what she needs to do and show her the ropes of the class. She had a lot of good ideas and was a good artist. I had a feeling we would be great friends. The bell rang and I helped her clean up her clay and table and we both walked to lunch, where kendalynn was waiting for us.

Destiny's pov: In the main office everyone was all scattered around in big groups. The principal was going in alphabetical order. Each person took a very long time to talk to the principal. I am so nervous to talk to him when I know I'm the one who did it. I know I'm guilty. But Noone could know that. I know I needed to lie. Gavin had to lie to, me and him needed a plan. I whispered over to gavin, " hey gavin, lie and say it was audrianna, so me and you won't get introuble." Gavin replied with, " Ok good idea, but what did she do to you to deserve getting introuble?" I shrugged at gavin, I didn't have an answer for him I just rather not get introuble. Every person for themselves. For the rest of the wait me and gavin planned what we would do. The plan was all coming together greatly. It was my turn to go into the office. I knudged gavin and went in. The plan was for me to make up a great lie and then all gavin had to say was that he was with me the whole time and I would have to incorporate that in my lie somehow. Right now I'm hoping I could be a good lier, for gavins sake and for mine. As I was walking down the short hall my heart was beating out of my stomach. I was very nervous. ' What if the principal knew I was lying? I'd be dead.' I feel very bad about putting this all on audrianna but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Sometimes life isn't fair. I opened up the door and sat down. I faced eye to eye with the principal. I felt like it was a million degrees in the room. I felt like someone caught off my oxygen supply. I couldn't breath. " Do you know what happened with hunter correl, Mrs silfies?" " yes sir," I said. " oh? How? Care to explain?" The principal asked kindly. " yes sir. See, me and gavin wade went to gym at 3rd period and me and him both had to go to the bathroom. But we were dumb and didn't ask. I was nervous to go into the girls bathroom because I was hearing weird noises in there so I went into the boys with gavin. He was about to open the door for me when we started hearing sound effects coming from the bathroom. I walked in and gavin stayed outside the door. It closed on me and I couldn't open it. I got locked in. I looked over and saw hunter knocked out cold on the floor. I walked to hunter to check on him because I thought he was faking but he looked dead laying there, I quickly turned around to the door and tried to open it. That's when someone grabbed my mouth and yanked me away. I turned my head around quickly and standing behind me was audrianna Webber. She had to have hurt hunter correl. I just know it," I say with fake tears in my eyes. " 'That was a good lie.' The principal said, " miss don't cry, I will talk to audrianna and gavin to see their point of views. You may go back to class now. Thank you." I smiled and walked out his room back to gavin and audrianna. I winked at gavin without audrianna seeing and waved at audrianna with a fake smile on my face. I went back to my 6th period class, I gave a late note to the teacher. I quickly did everything I missed that class period and heard the bell so i moved on to my 7th period class. I hoped gavin did what he was supposed to and I hope audrianna didn't mess the whole plan up.

Audrianna's pov: when I went into the main office I saw a whole bunch of people. I wondered what the big fuss was all about. I went into a corner and stood in it. I saw destiny walk in with gavin. I was suprised when they both walked over to me and stood with me in the corner I chose. Everyone had to get called in alphabetical order. Me, destiny and gavin were the last ones because of where our last names stand. Destiny was called in and me and gavin stood there in the office awkwardly, not saying one word to eachother. After about 5 minutes went by destiny came out and gavin went in. I saw destiny wink at gavin, Im not sure what that was about. She then waved at me and left the room. I'm pretty sure I missed all of 6th period and I'm probably going to be late for 7th. I stood there all alone. I decided to sit down and look at the window. Finally it was my turn. I went into the office and sat in a Scharf infront of the principals desk where he was sitting at. He kinda seemed angry with me. " Tell me everything that you know about hunter laying cold on the bathroom floor." I looked at the principal confused and said, " sir I don't think I know what your talking about." The principal said, " today between 3rd and 4th period hunter correl got knocked out by someone. In 5th period the gym teacher found him lying cold on the floor. Mrs Webber I will ask you again. What do you know about the situation?" " In 3rd period, I went to the bathroom but the upstairs bathrooms were broken so the teacher told me to go to the downstairs bathroom, I went to the girls bathroom and washed off my face. Because I feel down the stairs... hints to my broken leg. Then when I left I seen gavin knocking on the boys bathroom it seemed kind of suspicious. Instead of going back to my class I skipped it and went to the library where I was caught by the librarian and was told to go the nurse than the guidance counselor." I said. " Ok miss, thank you, I will talk to all those teachers to see if you just told the truth and I will speak to gavin wade again. When I was talking I heard the bell for 7th period, i was right. I'm going to be late. Just my luck. I got all my stuff and went to my lunch period. Alicia and kendalynn were already there sitting at the table, they seemed to have that girl from this morning sitting with them.

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