Chapter Seventeen: Magic

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Hey Mom. It's me. Look, I know things between us ended weird. I'm sorry, but if you had just told me a few things then maybe ...

Hey Mom. Alpha's going great! I mean, I'm struggling in magical expression, since, you know, you never let me ... I'm struggling in magical expression, but that's okay because I've got a tutor, though at the rate things are going I'll probably still be ...

Hey Mom. The other students got into a fight today, myself included ...

I shoved the pen back into my bag and let the paper hang limply at my side. But then, something else popped into my mind. I whipped out my pen and scribbled;

Why didn't you just tell me?

I stared at the paper for a few seconds and then crumpled the whole thing up and threw it in the trash. I didn't know what to say to my mom even when things weren't so complicated. It was probably a waste of time anyway. I didn't even know if anyone would deliver it for me. Besides, I needed to focus on finding my way around the monstrous library. Libraries were usually my refuge, but I found Alpha's lack of graphic novels disconcerting. The only fiction they had was romance or historical fiction. I guess it would be hard to create a fantasy world when you lived in one.

Lucian hadn't told me why we were meeting in the library, just that we were. I was about to concede defeat and ask one of the librarians where the room was, a severe wound to my pride, when I found myself face-to-face with Arthur.

"Billie," he said. "Just the person I've been looking for. I need to talk to you," he added, catching my surprised glance.

I stared at him for a moment. I had zero idea what he could have to say to me, but Arthur was one of the few people I trusted not to stab me in the back, so I nodded.

He glanced around, making sure no one was watching. My heart sank, though I also felt a rush of annoyance. Considering he was in the same boat I was, he shouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with me.

"Listen, you can't get involved with the fights anymore," he whispered. "You need to be more careful. Keep your head down, at least for the time being."

I almost took a step back. I couldn't believe he, of all of people, was telling me this. Wasn't he the one who told me I would never win their respect if I hid from them? Also, hypocrite much? He was just as involved as I was.

"You defended Sedna," I spat. I'd thought that would put him in his place, or at least make him feel guilty. I didn't expect his eyes to turn steely, nor for him to lift up his shirt. Like any warm-blooded heterosexual female, my heart fluttered a little at the attractive guy removing his shirt in my presence. At least until I realized he wasn't doing it to show me his six pack. Stretched along the length of his stomach was a bright-red scar, that looked like it was just beginning to heal.

"And look what that got me," he spat back, answering my unspoken question about where he'd gotten it.

"Are you okay?" I gasped, but he only chuckled darkly.

"Believe me, this is nothing compared to what they want to do to you."

I swallowed. It wasn't the first time someone at Alpha had had it out for me. But when Sedna had wanted to hurt me, it felt a lot less sinister. Something in Arthur's eyes was giving me a creepy feeling.

"Did you tell anyone?" I asked. I'd rather he didn't know how much his words got to me. "President Koya or—"

"They'd probably say I deserved it," Arthur said, or more seethed. "And I don't know if you've noticed, but Gwen, Saranya, and Nyame walk on water here." I didn't have anything to say to that. I knew the administration favored the Wizards, but they wouldn't turn a blind eye just because his injury came from defending a Warlock, would they?

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