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Tw/ violence, murder


"Now you dare to call my name?!" His voice indicates he seems a little bit angry- no you wrong.

"No- It just- seems like you already wash your clothes?" you tried to cover your fear by being confident.

HE IS angry and a cold metal was pressed on your back.A 'click' sound can be heard which scared the living shit out of you now.

"Turn around."

Seeing you're not move even an inch, he choke your neck from behind, force you to turn and face him, which was still aiming his gun to your head. Difficult to breath, you try to scream asking for help, but unfortunely there are no other people that passed by, and that's fucking guide just keep silent and watch you being choked to death.

"H- HELP-"

Sanzu push you harshly until your back meet the glass of the locked club entrance door, causing a loud thud can be heard, his sudden action makes you gasped and more suprise to you, he crushed his lips to yours.


You bit his down lips as strong as you can until it bleeding. Sanzu pull out his lips and smirk, eyes locks into yours while licking his own bloods.

"You taste so good makes me wants to devour you, sweetheart."

Look disgustingly to him, you felt cringe and want to puke becauseof his new nickname to you, you realize that's not the main point now. All you have to do is saveyour life, break his grip on your neck, stealhis gun and kill him- but all of your impossible plan was somehow not gonna happen because he already move his grip from your neck to your chin, not as harsh as before. He bent down to adjust with your height since he was taller than you, lean his face toyours and whispered,

"What's inside that pretty head of yours huh? Are you planning to kill me?"

In the count of three, a gunshot was heard along with your freaking screams, echoing through the passageway. For a second you thought you was killed by him and died, but death can not be this warm. Your nostril caught a manly scent mixed with soft but ellegant perfume and your body feel the warm of a hug. He pressed your head to his chest by one hand, trying his best to secure you so you can saw anything from the scene, but he failed. You peek from his arm, saw his other hand was holding a gun, pointing it to -now dead body- who has a hole in his forehead bath in his own blood pool, that guard.

"You alright?"

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