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They say even if you're not ready for the day, it can not always be night. The sun already rise and doing it job enthusiasmly, forcing people to wake up from their deep fantasy, nightmare, or whatever they had last night, so does you.

You've just awake about ten minutes ago, sitting in the edge of a bed, peek through your shoulder you saw Mikey's peacefully sleeping figure. You know he have many burden on his shoulders, so by seeing him like that, you can not help but want to caressing him, not until you saw a gun below his pillow.

You click your tongue slightly so it can not waking him up but still, that gun just ruining your mood to take- maybe a little cuddle and affection in the morning before start your day. Now reaching for your phone on the nightstand, you dialed some number and waiting for the other line to answer it, which took about one or two minutes or more like, forever.

‘The number you have dialed is out of reach, please try again later.’

It's rare for your grandma to didn't answer to your call, she didn't even call you until now, make worries engulf your whole thought, is there any bad things happened to her? If that's the case, Mai-san, your neighbor who is your grandmother bestfriend’s daughter, must have told you. Decided to ask her how’s your grandmother was by message, you notice a movement from behind, as you saw Mikey just awake from his slumber.

“Morning Mikey.” A soft smile plastered on your face to cover up your worries. You put your phone back into the nightstand as now you back to him and lay on his chest.

He looks happy with your little act, as now patting your head, he let out a deep morning voice of him which sending shiver down your spine.

“Morning babe.”

“Did you have any plan for today Mikey?” without breaking the cuddle, you lift your head up and saw him in wonder, he was- maybe trying to collect his soul back to reality while remembering what shit did he have to do today.

“We have a meeting after breakfast, babe don’t tell me you forgot to bring the USB?”

“Hmph. Did you really care about that fucking USB rather than me? We already run a mission last night. Why didn’t we take a rest for a while?” you pout.

Mikey let out a chuckle while continue babying you. “We, both of us, can go anywhere you want after this mission was completely done to the roots. But I guess we can cuddling a little longer for now, my lady.” He whispered the last word and kissing your forehead.


Kakucho frowned and rub his forehead with his thumb, he did a lots of effort to eliminate the awkwardness in the current circumstances so that other executives and his boss could focus –or maybe even just take a look- on his presentation, but it seemed to be in vain because you suddenly spoke out of the blue, forced him to stop his presentation.

“Let’s take a vacation! I wanna go to Shinjuku using a shinkansen, wasting some money by shopping in Ginza, take a look around Akibahara especially the maid cafe oh my god they’re so cute! I guess we need to buy every anime merch in there too, hmm and oh- let’s celebrate the new year eve in Roppongi!  That must be lit!”

Running out of energy, Kakucho sighing in defeat. Your presence itself already bothering him since you’re arrived here wearing Mikey’s loosened shirt, undisturbed wearing nothing to cover your lower body, sitting on Mikey lap to undirectionally screaming out to everyone in this room that you are his, and now worse up the situation by babbling some nonsense.

“(Y/N), we’re in the middle of meeting, please pay attention. We need to arrange a strategy to next mission -“

“No need to bother it Kakucho, since I won’t involved on this mission tho. Right, Mikey?”

“I didn’t remembered I ever said that.” Mikey shrugged his shoulder off as you shock in disbelief.

“WHAT?! Mikey you’re a liar! You said that if I kiss you then you let me out of this mission, take a day off and do whatever I want!” You pout, pointing your index finger while divert your anger gaze into him, get a slightly smirk as a respond from him.

Don’t ask me where Rindou was, he was there, fucking sit besides his brother, clearly heard and saw everything without indescribable feeling on his heart- I mean, who didn’t ‘confused’ if they UNINTENTIONALLY conffesed their feeling into someone they love now that someone do some skinship with someone else.

Being lovey-dovey in front of his boss as if this meeting room was empty nothing but only you and him are there, he-no, not only Rindou but also some of the executives cursed Mikey under their breath, without letting any words escape from their mouths, of course.

Clearing his throat to gain some attention back to reality, Kakucho now was the bravest hero who save the victims before any dreadful thoughts came to their mind like ‘I want to kill him or I need to kill him’ or stuff like that.  The moment every attention landed on him, he continue his presentation.

“In conclusion, that hideout we attacked last night was just a branch, their main brain was mafia in Seoul. So that’s all information I can gave to you. Boss what’s your order?”

After taking his time to think, Mikey begin to order.

“Let’s settle this down under 10 hours. I’ll divided all of you into two groups, Tokyo and Seoul. Since their hideout in Tokyo are just a small office- nothing inside but weak thugs, I’ll make the Tokyo team members are less than Seoul team members.”

Without losing his leadership intimidating aura, Mikey continue to command. “Tokyo team consist of Ran,Mochi and (Y/N), but first, you need teach her how to use a gun and self-defense, make sure she’s proficient to do it in 7 hours. “ aiming his gaze into Ran and Mochi, they nodded in understanding while you just gave him ‘wtf’ expression.

“After that, go straight to their hideout and wait under my words. Koko prepared the money and all of the accomodation that we needed while the rest get ready. We’ll leave in 3 hours. Kakucho you stay here, monitor everything and clear out our way. We’re execute them in unison at 10pm Tokyo time. Is that clear?”

“Yes boss.”

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