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Author POV

Silly you didn’t ask for his phone number, yet here you now, confusing where to start your long journey, which you will regret later. You think it’s gonna be fine and interesting while playing around with only two Bonten members. So you started to remember the way to Sanzu’s house, while surfing to the internet searching his address through many keywords such as ‘where is the luxury penthouse in Tokyo located’ or ‘Bonten members address’ only to get nothing as a result.

“Maybe I can find a hint in that club.” You thought.


As what people say that no pain no gain, after spent 2 hours walking to his house and got lost a few times, sweat profusely and now you are thirsty as fuck, finally you arrived at his penthouse which seems weird because you can’t saw any sign of guards, also a lot of extremely expensive car parked there- even if you sold your entire organs to the black market still can not afford to buy one of it.

“Is he held a party or something? Or maybe his friends are coming, of course rich people will be friends with other rich ass too. But with this many people here why can I heard anything?”

Even the entrance door are not locked too, you slowly entering his house and still saw no sign of human-being there. Your destinantion went to his room that you still remembered well and getting nothing in there. The bed are still neat, air conditioner were off too so probably he’s not went home yet after leaving your room.

Enough checking his room, you went back to check the other rooms to find him, but here you are standing like a statue when a gun was pointed to your forehead by a white-haired man, whose eyes looks like a dead man staring to your (e/c) eyes deeply as if he can take your soul out from your body only by his gaze. Your height difference with him was not too much, probably just eight or ten centimeters taller than you.

“Who are you?” he spoke firmly without pulling down his hand, fingers already at the triggers, ready to kill you in one second.

Although you were scared, you found this scene was interesting, makes all the nerves in your body tense up but somehow it's excite you.

“No, who are you?”  you kick his shinbone as strong as you can but for you surprised, it didn’t affected him even a little bit, of course he wasn’t called as The Invincible Mikey for nothing. He still standing there when you expected him will fell down or even just hissed in pain while holding his legs. But seems like luck still in your side, he diverts his gaze for a while because of your sudden action giving you chance to run away.

When he realized that you’re already run, he shot your legs but its only landed on the floor, because somehow you managed to avoid it- no, more like he missed the shot intentionally because of your scream,


A commotion can be heard from the direction you are heading, one of the room’s door opens, revealing a figure of the pink-haired man a.k.a Sanzu, holding a gun and trying to process what was happened while your chest meet his, hugging him tightly to get some help.

“Haru please help me, kill that bad guy there! He’s trying to kill me!” You said while pointing to Mikey.

Silent awkward happened for about a minute, until Sanzu let out a crazy psycho laugh. Bend down his head over you, he's manage to spoke with all laugh left,

“What are you doing here sweetheart? I can’t kill him he’s my boss afterall.”

“What?” you spoke in disbelief, is that mean that you just kick the leader of Bonten- the most wanted criminals in Japan- in his leg? While hundred even thousand of his enemy trying to kill him for many times was never success lay their hand on him?

Broke the hug because you already know your act earlier must be irritated him and decided to look at Mikey, now he’s already  walk towards you, lock his dead gaze to your eyes. Intensify your guard up, ready to face the consequences that he might give to you, your peripheral vision took a glance of someone familiar standing behind Haru’s back.



A/n : Merry Christmas yall ❤

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