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Bakugou POV

It's been 10 years since the last time I was in Japan. 10 years since the incident that turned my life upside down. I wonder if they still think I'm a murderer.

"Kacchan, what are you thinking about?" I look over and see my green haired husband laying down next to me. Deku the #1 hero in America. He is also the only person that didn't look at me differently.

"I was just thinking about the past." He looked at me and sadly smiled. "Is it because of the class reunion that is happening in 2 days?" I slightly nodded.

"Kacchan it was an accident. Plus look at us now. You have a PhD in psychology at 25, a 6 figure job, married to me the #1 hero in America, and we have 3 kids. Something and may have happened in the past, but now look at us 10 years later. You achieved all these things and are truly happy."

I know what he said was true, but will they even want to know how I'm doing? Do they even remember me?

"Should we tell them who I am?" Deku looked at me a smiled. "Kacchan that is your decision. This decision has to be yours and yours alone."I sighed and looked back at the ceiling.

Suddenly the peace was interrupted by 3 kids bursting in the room. "Dad! Papa!" I see all three of run in and jump on our bed. Deku and I adopted them a while back. These 3 kids really brightened up my life. Deku and I adopted the triplets 7 years ago. It was tough raising them, but in the end it worked out.

"Hey squirts, why are you guys up so early?" The looked at me and giggled. "Papa we were excited. We can't wait to go to Japan!" Aiko said happily. "Yea papa, we get to meet your old classmates!" Kenji said before climbing on my chest. "Guys remember what papa told us! He said that they don't actually know of him." Izuki said while sitting on the end of the bed.

I'm glad that the triplets have a close relationship. Aiko is the fun one and the only girl. She knows how to control her excitement. Kenji has no boundaries. He always likes to play and run around raising him was the hardest. Last but not least Izuki. Izuki is the mature one. He is the oldest by a few minutes. I can trust him to look after the other two.

I love days like this. Me and my family in bed laughing and chatting with no worries in the world. I look at my family and smile. I got up and headed towards the door.

"Kacchan where are you going?"

"I'm going to make pancakes." The triplets eyes sparkled. "Yay! Papa is making pancakes!"  I looked back at them and smiled. I stopped looking at them and turned my attention to Deku.

"Can you pack up the kid's suitcases while I make breakfast?"

"Sure, what about ours?"

"I already did ours when you were on patrol. You can look over and see if I forgot anything."

I walk out the room and head to the kitchen. I was making breakfasts, but i slowly started to get lost in my thoughts.


"Villian get back here!" Bakugou said. The villain smirked and kept running. Bakugou chased after the villain to the building and set of an explosion. The villain dodged and kept running through the abandoned building.

The villian ran away but got trapped in a room of the building. "It looks like you have no where to go you shitty villain!" The villain smirked and started to attack Bakugou. During the fight the building's structure started to get weaker.

A few minutes later the building started to slowly started to break apart. Both the hero and villain noticed, so they decided to leave and escape the building. The villain ran again, but Bakugou followed closely.

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