Alone without you

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Bakugou POV

I'm known as the devil of UA. Because of my scary appearance and my loudness people stay away from me, better yet they fear me. I walk down the hall and people move out the way. People look at me with fear in their eyes. I can hear all the whispers about me calling me a monster, thug, delinquent, and even more.

It's gotten to the point where people think I threaten the teachers for my grades to go up. It's not like I care, but it kind of hurts that people think that way because of my appearance. I don't think anyone has gotten to know me.

I did have one friend. His name is Izuku Midoriya. He was my bestfriend growing up but he had to move at the begging it of middle school. We lost contact after he moved. I really miss him, he was the only person that made an attempt to become friends with me.

He probably forgot about me, but I'll never forget the times I spent with him. Without him I'm alone.


Izuku POV

It's been 5 years since I've seen Kacchan. He was my bestfriend, but now life sucks without him. My mom's job keeps transferred her which means I have to move schools frequently. I haven't been able to make any friends because I kept moving.

I bet Kacchan is popular. He's handsome, kind, and smart. He's probably one of the popular kids. I'm nothing special so he probably forgot about me.

I was peacefully laying in my bed, until I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I see my mom walk in my room with a big smile on her face.

"Why are you smiling so wide?" I asked her while slowly sitting up in my bed. "Well we are moving back to Mustafasu." My eyes went wide and a hug smile appeared on my face. That means I get to see Kacchan again, maybe even go to the same school as him.

"When are we leaving?" she looked at me and smiled widely. "We leave in a a couple days so start packing. Also you will be going to UA." My eyes started to sparkle after her statement. We leave in a few days. I have to hurry up and start packing.

I immediately got up and started to pack my things. My mom just smiled at me and left the room.


Bakugou POV

I honestly don't know why I still go to school at this point. I can just do homeschool, it's not like I'm missing anything special.

"Class today a new student will be joining us" Wow another person to hate me. "You can come in now." After Aizawa said that the class door opened. A short freckled gran haired male walked inside. My eyes went wide after realizing who it is. That's Deku!

I see him look around the class and make eye contact with me. His eyes went wide and smiled. I him a small smile in response.

"Introduce yourself." Izuku nodded and turned towards the class. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, I hope we can all be friends." A bunch of whispers started to sound through the class. Most of them were saying that he's cute or adorable.

I heard Aizawa tell him to take the seat behind me. He walked over towards me and gave me a smile. When he sat down Aizawa began his lesson.

Classes go by like normal and now it's time for lunch. Once the lunch bell rang I saw him about to talk to me but he suddenly got dragged off by pink cheeks. He gave me an apologetic smile before turning around to talk to her friends.

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