Its your fault

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Everyone in class 1-A knows that the two problem children in their class have a complicated past. It's obvious to them that Midoriya wants to be friends with Bakugou, but Bakugou always pushes him away.

The Dekusquad doesn't really like Bakugou because of the way he treats their leader. Bakugou doesn't care what anyone thinks, because to him they're all extras not worth his time.

The bakusquad tries to break down his walls, but they never make a dent into them. It is clear to them that the class sunshine is the only one that knows why he has such guarded walls.

Let's start this story off in the common room.

"Bakubro do you want to hang out with the squad?" Kirishima asked the blonde.

Bakugo look toward his squad and huffed. "No I have better things to do." he said coldly.

"C'mon dude you never hang out with us and friends hang out with each other." Denki whined.

Bakugou looks at him and looks away. He gets up and starts to leave the common room. He looks back with no emotion and says "I don't need friends, plus I never even called you guys my friends." with that he left the common room and went to his dorm.

The class look at the bakusquad's sadden faces. "Why does he have to be such a jerk." Todoroki says slightly angry.

"Guys it's fine." Kirshima says catching the classes attention. "We did force our friendship into him, so I guess its our fault." he explains.

"Kirishima it isn't your fault. It's his for pushing you guys away. He should be happy people are actually trying to be friends with him." Uraraka says harshly.

While the class was trying to comfort the bakusquad, Deku was in the corner sulking. Deku knows it is his fault Bakugou is like that. He was the one who pushed him away for a stupid reason.

"Guys can we just go hang out. I want to take my mind off of this." Mina suggested. Everyone agrees with her and the class leaves the dorm to hang out.

Bakugou is in his bed watching youtube videos annoyed of his class. "Those bastards won't take a fucking hint, especially Deku. He is the one who didn't want to be friends, so what gives him the right to try to become friends again. He can rot in hell for all I care." he said to himself.

The class enjoyed their hangout and the bakusquad forgot about what happened in the common room.

The next day Bakugou was sitting at his desk by himself. He was looking out the window enjoying the feeling of people watching him. What he didn't notice was Midoriya waking up to his desk. "Good morning Kacchan." he says cheerfully.

Bakugou looked towards him and glared. "Give it a rest. We aren't friends and I don't think we'll ever be." he says coldly.

Those words made Deku tear up. Bakugou looked away not caring if Deku cried or not. The silence was interrupted by a slam on the desk. "That's it!" Urarka yelled. "Why do you have to be such an asshole!" she adds.

Bakugou looked towards her a scoffed. "I do what I want. You yelling isn't going to change that." he says plainly.

That angered her even more. "People are trying so hard to be your friend, but you always dismiss them so rudely!" she yells. "You even made Deku-kun cry!" At this point Aizawa is at the door watching.

Bakugou looked at Deku and laughed. "Do you think I care? Haven't I made it plainfully obvious that I don't want friends. Actually, I don't need friends. Friends are people that make you feel useless emotions. They could be there one second, but gone the next. What's the point of having something so unreliable in your life." he says with a smirk.

Aizawa stood there wondering why his student would think that way. He somewhat knew what he was talking about especially since one of his best friends died during their second year of UA.

"That doesn't give you a right to be an asshole to people!" Uraraka says. Everyone in class are watching those two argue.

"I.don'" he says coldly while glaring at her. After a few seconds a looked at Deku and scoffed. "Do you really think you have the right to cry over me being an ass to you?" Bakugou asks. Uraraka was about to say something else, but Bakugou started to speak again. "I actually have a question for you. What gives you the right to ask to be my friend after what you did to me?" he asks.

At this point the class was confused. Uraraka stood there quietly because now she realizes this is something her best friend has to handle. "I don't have any right." Deku says softly.

"Then why do you try so hard to fix? something you broke?" Deku didn't respond. Bakugou decided to break the silence. "It's your fault I'm like this. It's your fault I have all these walls. So why would I want to be friends with someone who betrayed me? Why would I be friends with you especially when you don't even truly love yourself!" Bakugou says slightly angry.

The class was shocked at Bakugou's statement. At this point Deku was full on crying. "You don't get to cry, especially since this is thee product of your actions!" Bakugou yelled with his palms smoking.

"You broke my fucking heart and pushed me away for what? Just because of other peoples opinions! I cried and beg so many times for you to become my friends again, but all you did was ignore me and push me away! Now you develop a quirk and you suddenly think everything is okay and we can be friends again? Did you really think it's that fucking simple?" Bakugou yelled causing some people one 1-B to see the commotion.

"You didn't care about my feelings, so why should I care about yours? Now that I've said that, let me tell you how I feel about you." Bakugou says while standing.

"I used to think that you were my whole world, but now you are nothing to me. All the memories in the past are now tainted with your selfishness. I was always jealous of you, but now I realized that you are worthless and there is nothing about you I should be jealous.

You made me feel like nothing! I was at my weakness because of you! I poured out my feelings to you and you dismissed them! But you know what. I'm slightly happy for you. I'm happy that you've found friends good enough that you won't betray, since it's obvious I wasn't enough for you." Bakugou said while walking to the door.

"Now that I got that off my chest. I hope you guys would leave me the fuck alone and stop trying to be friends with me, because in all honesty none of you guys are worth letting down my walls for. I'm not going to take that risk for any of you guys." Bakugou said while looking at the class.

He walked outside the door and saw Aizawa and some people from 1-B standing there. "I'm guessing you guys heard all of that." Bakugou says. He sighs and look towards his teacher. "I am taking a break from classes today. I obviously don't need to explain why." he states.

Aizawa looks at his student and nods. "You can come to me any time you need to talk." he offers.

Bakugou looked at him and scoffed. "No thanks." Bakugou walked passed the 1-B students and left.  All Aizawa could do was watch his best student and hopes that he find someone to open up his heart again.

I was bored, so I decided to write this. Sorry if you were expecting a happy ending.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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