Secret CEO

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Katsuki was always a loud child. He got that trait from his mother. He was practically a carbon copy of the older women.

Both Mistuki and Masaru were the owners of the Bakugou Fashion Company. The company is the biggest fashion company in Japan. Their cloths and models are always on the front cover of magazines.

Despite all the popularity, Katsuki was never seen in the public eye. Most people knew that they had a son, but no one has even seen him. The only people that know about him are the Midoriya's.

The Inko has been Mitsuki's best friend since middle school. They been through thick and thin and  has always stuck with each other. They were so close they decided to move into the same neighborhood.

Both of them have sons that ended up being best friends. Izuku and Katsuki are inseparable. They always did things together no matter what. When Izuku was pronounced quirkless, Katsuki always stayed by his side and protected him from the bullies that came at him.

Growing up boy boys always wanted to become hero's. That was their dream, but Katsuki also had another interest. Katsuki always loved watching their parents design clothing. Sometimes he would model clothing so they could he the measurements and the look right. He loved the way his best friend complemented him and how he looked in the new cloths.

Katsuki started to make his own designs and show them to his parents. His parents were surprised on how good the designs he came up with looked so professional. That was when Katsuki started to make designs for them and became apart of the fashion design team.

He always worked from home in the shadows and only submitted stuff occasionally. When he did submit something it would always be a big hit.

Even though no one knew who their son was, he became popular in the fashion world. People have been dying to meet the young boy who has been coming up with the designs.

When he was ten his parents got caught in a villain attack causing them both to pass away. Katsuki was devastated, but he had the Midoriya's to pull him through it.

The Bakugou's already had a will and decided that Katsuki will take over the company, but Inko would do most of the business stuff. They also insisted that Izuku and Katsuki get married, so the transition would be smoother.


" Boys I have something to explain to you." Inko said while holding the will in her hands.

The boys came downstairs and noticed the sad smile on her face.

"Mom why do you look so sad?" Izuku asked while getting on the couch next to her. Katsuki got on the couch right next to Inko and put his head in her lap. She started to gently play with his hair.

"Well you see I was reading Mitsuki and Masaru's will. They signed everything over to Katsuki, which means he owns the fashion company, all the money they owned, and this house. She also wants both of you to get married." She explained to them.

Both boys say there with a blank faces.

"Does that mean I get to be with Deku forever?" Katsuki asked quietly.

"Yea that means you get to stay with Izuku forever." she replies

Both boys look at each other and starts smiling happily. Inko slightly chuckles. After a couple seconds Katsuki looks back at Inko.

"Wait I can't take over the company. I don't know how to do all the adult business stuff." he says to her.

"Mistuki said that I will be doing it until you reach 14. During the next 4 years I will be teaching you and Izuku to do business. Also you can kept drawing your wonderful designs." she explains.

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