Chapter Four: Tunnel collapse

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"Seven!!" I hear my name get called as familiar hands grabbed onto me, pulling me off to the side. "What are you doing? We need to move!" 

It was Five. He came back for me.

I stumbled along behind him as we rushed for the exit, rocks and dust fall on our heads. The dust was so thick that I couldn't see anymore, depending completely on Five to lead us out.

"Almost there!!" Five shouts lunging forward and pulling me along with him. We landed hard, rolling on the rocky ground as a loud crash echoed though the mountain. 

"Are you okay Seven?" Five coughs a bit as he looked at me. 

"I-i think so..." I could barely hear my own voice as I answered him, my throat dry and itchy. 

I finished wiping my eyes clean as I hear people talking before looking back to see the entrance of the tunnel completely blocked with rocks. I glanced down at the strange pool of liquid at the bottom of a rock and realized that someone had been underneath that.

Swear words filled the air causing everyone to go silent knowing that they belonged to the fat man who came down to look.

"What the hell happened!??!?!?!?" His face was redder than the fur coat he was wearing, spit flying out of his mouth as he yelled at an guard. 

The guard seemed calm as he stared down the fat man and quietly answered.

"I was planning on selling off a few of these damn slaves and your telling me that all the strong ones managed to get trapped?????" He raged on, grabbing a torch from a guard and starting to swing it; beating anyone within reach. "Get them the hell out of there!!!!"

Five happened to be right behind the fat man, seconds from getting hit when I suddenly jumped in front of him, the torch hitting me right in the face, the fire licking my skin.

"Seven!!" Five cries out as he pulls off his thin shirt to stop the fire. "Why did you do that?!?!"

"Y-you came b-back for me..." I murmur, trying to ignore the pain. The sunlight was bright as I looked up at him causing his face to be in shadow which was the last thing I saw before I passed out.


It's been over two years since I woke up here; there isn't really any seasons around here but I had overheard that our group since coming here: was the largest out of all the kids- thanks to Five.

Compared to the other groups of kids that slowly died off, most of us managed to survive. But recently I've seen the fat man hanging around- watching us.

It was never a good thing to get his attention.


"Get up you lot!" A guard hollers as he banged on the door to our room. "Your master is here to see you!"

Five and I looked at each other as we all scrambled up and lined up against the wall, not knowing what was going to happen next.

"Well well." The fat man smirks for a moment before quickly using a cloth to cover his mouth as his eye narrowed, clearly not liking the smell of us. "Today is a lucky day for a few of you!"

He snaps his fingers while he glanced around the small room and the tops of our heads.

A man steps in with long white clothes who also frowns and covers his mouth as he looked at us. There was something about his clothes that felt a little familiar but I couldn't remember why.

He held a stone in his hand that shined faintly in the dark room and coughed a little before speaking.

"Each of you need to touch this stone." He sneered, looking down his long nose at us. "Hurry up. I don't have all day."

A kid slowly reaches up and touches the tone, causing to lightly glow- but the man shakes his head and moves on. This continued until the stone released a bright light which the man nods his head- guards taking the kid out of the room.

Six more kids were taken out of the room until Five and I were last ones to touch the stone. I looked at the stone, as a horrible feeling came over me as I stared into the inky black surface.

I didn't want to touch it at all.

The man in the robe grunts and flicks his wrist, causing a guard to grab onto my arm and force my hand onto the stone.

"Ack!" I winced as I touched the cold smooth stone, feeling the coldness spread up my arm and a weird sucking sensation that made my heart pound. 

'No!' I bit my lip as I tried to resist the feeling, the stone glowing faintly as I fought back. The guard suddenly released my hand and I quickly pull back, wiping it on my legs in hopes that the feeling would disappear. 

I wasn't paying attention until a blazing light suddenly came from right besides me, even the adults jumped back in surprise.

I shielded my eyes and look over to see Five touching the stone. 

"AMAZING!!!!! The man cries out with delight, grabbing onto Five's hand with a strange look in his eyes. "You must be the Hero!!!!"

"Hero?..." Five asks before he was suddenly pushed out the room and the door slams shut behind him leaving the four of us alone with the fat man who had a stunned look on his face.

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