Chapter Sixteen: Candy

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I couldn't help but stare at the man as he approached. Half of his face was just like the skeleton that used to sit in the back of the classroom which always seemed to be staring at me. 

"Greetings Princess Soraya." The skeleton man bows as he places the big brown bag he held besides the bed. "I am Dr. Jada Strom."

"H-hello." I nod, not really noticing that I was clenching the blankets.

Dr. Strom glances at my hands before he suddenly kneels, his tall figure becoming small as he lowered himself. 

"I am here to help you get better." The human side of his face had a small smile as his dark grey eye met mine. "How are you feeling now?"

"..." I couldn't help but hesitate, the nightmare from earlier was still lingering.

"You are safe." Dr. Strom's voice caused me to look at him once more. "I will not do anything without your say-so."

I glance over at Grandpa who nods.

"M-my head." I touch the spot that still hurt. "A-and..." My hand touches my throat that felt so dry, like the dust from my dream had settled there.

"I see." A gloved hand reaches out, lightly twisting around my wrist. "Have you eaten something since you woke up?" 

"S-soup." I look towards Mimi who smiles. 

"I had whipped up some chicken soup." She says as Dr. Strom looks over at her. "Though she mostly had just the broth." 

"That's good. There are many nutrients that a child needs to recover in chicken soup. " He releases my hand and pulls out a paper bag out of the bag on the floor. "Heat up water and mix this into it before drinking it."

He turns to meet my eyes once more after he hands the bag to Mimi. 

"It won't taste very good, but you must drink it to heal faster."

A second bag was placed in my lap.

"Once you have- go ahead and have one of these."

I open the bag and see pink shiny balls inside the bag. 

"Their strawberry flavored. Though let me know if you do not like the flavor."

"T-thank you." I held the bag in my hands. 

"Here you go dear." Mimi places a cup into my hands with the medicine.

I looked down at the strange purple goo that still bubbled though Mimi's magic had cooled it down then saw the expectant looks from everyone.

"Hmph." I quickly swallowed the goo, feeling it slide down my throat and taking the sandy feeling with it.

 It wasn't the worst thing I have ever had to taste, but since I've been here- I've only had tasty food, each more yummy then the last. So, it was a little hard for me to finish.

"Very good." The skeleton doctor gestures to the bag in my lap once the cup was empty. "Those will help remove the taste."

I pick up one of the pink balls and lick it before I put it in my mouth, the sweet sugary taste washing away the bad taste.

"However, do not- Princess!" 


I choke, the ball suddenly stuck in my throat after I started to swallow it.



Mimi and Grandpa both surround me in concern as magic slipped into my mouth and took the ball out.

"Ah." I gasp, holding Grandpa's hand after I finally stopped coughing.

"I am sorry Princess." The doctor bows his head deeply. "I should of taken into consideration that you might swallow the hard candies and choke."

"I-its ok-" I started to speak, only to be interrupted by Grandpa.

"But you did not." His red magic came off him in waves. "The princess could died from such a mistake."

"I will accept any punishment."

"You should not say that lightly." 

We all turn to look in surprise as Papa stands in the doorway. 

"Your Majesty." 

Papa waves a little as he enters, stopping everyone from bowing before sitting down next to me.

"Are you alright Soraya? That must of surprised you."

"Hm." I nod, leaning into him.  

Papa looks down at me before turning his gaze to the doctor.

"You will accept any punishment?"

"Yes, your Majesty." His face was tense as he looked at us.

"Then your punishment shall be..." Papa seemed to pause for a moment. "To serve as princess Soraya's doctor for as long as you live."

"Your Majesty?" The doctor looked confused for a moment until our eyes met.

 I stared into the black hole of his skeleton side and his grey eye of the human side as he looked into mine, seeing a strange look behind them that seemed to clear the longer we looked at each other.

 "I will accept this punishment." He bows before looking up once more. "I swear that I will take care of the princess until either someone with a better ability than mine shows up or she herself says that she no longer needs me."

Papa nudges me after his words and smiles.

"I-i'll be in y-your care...?" It took me a moment to understand what Papa was getting at. 

"Thank you princess!" Dr. Strom bows once more towards me.

The Demon King said to call him PapaWhere stories live. Discover now