Chapter Thirty-two: Change

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"Have you thought about what you would like for your 12th birthday?" Papa asks me as I read in his office. 

"Oh... No." I wriggled a little in the comfy seat. "Sorry, Papa." 

It was getting close to my birthday, and every year, Papa asks me the same question: what did I want?

I never knew what to say when I was asked that question. I was just happy to receive anything from Papa and everyone.

I was already wearing an early birthday gift- Papa used magic to have them magically adjust to me since my growth spurt still caused me to grow out of them rapidly. 

"Your dresses do not count." Papa seemed to guess what I was thinking. "A birthday gift is something special you can only get on that day."

I knew that if I told him that being here was the greatest gift I've ever received or ever need, it would cause his face to sadden, so I held it back before reassuring him that I'd think about what I wanted. 


I sat outside on my balcony, staring at the page of paper that had stayed blank long after the tea went cold. 

"Why is it so hard for me to think of something?" I finally sighed, letting my pen slip from my fingers and roll away. 

"Your thinking too hard." Nova's voice appears suddenly as they jump onto the table and bat at the pen. "Is it so hard to want something?"

"..." I couldn't meet their eyes. Nova sighs before rubbing their face against mine, a velvety ear tickling my nose. 

"What's wrong? I can tell."

"I've... Never wished for anything." I rest my chin on my hand. "I was happy to have a place over my head. I always tried hard not to be abandoned." 

Nova sat in front of me as I spoke. 

"I'm still not used to all of this." I gesture around me. "I know when they ask, it's because they value my opinion, but I feel bad when I can't say anything."

Their tail taps my hand. 

"I don't feel like I've changed." I could feel tears forming in my eyes. "I know I have, but sometimes I can still see my previous self in the mirror: the scared, small kid who could barely talk... That was barely human."

"That kid will always be there." Nova's eyes stare into mine. "You don't have to forget your past. It's part of you, and that's not bad."

"It's not?"

"Nope." Nova bats at my hand, their pads both soft and hard. "You wouldn't be you without that kid. She helped ya survive and come here. You do not have anything to be ashamed of or scared of."

Nova gives me the equivalent of a smile.

"You can take your time. Presents don't always have to be things."

"Your right!" I stood up after pondering Nova's words. "I know what I'll ask! Thanks, Nova!" 

I lean down and kiss their head before rushing out my door. 

"Don't forget that ya not supposed to be running." Nova suddenly appears as I open my door.

"Oops." I slow down, power walking to Papa's door. "I'll give you extra fish if you don't tell Dr. Strom."

"Do not tell me what?" Dr. Strom suddenly appears from the shadows, surprising me.

"That a certain someone was moving too fast." Nova's tail taps my leg. 

"Where you running, Princess?" His monocle flashes with the afternoon sun. 

"A little," I admit. "I wanted to speak with Papa as quickly as possible."

"I see." He looked me up and down as I noticed how closer I was to his face. I hadn't seen the minor nicks and cuts that were spread out on his skull side-disappearing into his human side.

"Your growth is more like a human child now, and it seems that it is slowing down to a normal rate- so as long as you are careful."

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Strom!" I smiled and quickly continued to Papa. Nova pauses to nod to the doctor before tailing along behind me.

Hey everyone! Sorry for the short chapter and that it's one day late- I meant to post this yesterday, but I was a bit busy, so it got posted today. I hope everyone had a good Halloween! I got to eat some candy, but that was it, unfortunately.🥲

 I wish I could give you guys a more definitive timeline for the next chapter but it's gonna be a bit before the next chapter comes out since I'm getting busier by the day with work.

So please be patient!😊😉😘

Love all of you and Thanks for reading!!!😘😘🥰🥰

The Demon King said to call him PapaWhere stories live. Discover now