Chapter Seven: A promise

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As Mimi carried me down a long hallway with dark purple drapes lining on one side, I sat stiffly in her arms- unused to behind held.

Being in Mimi's arms was completely different from that man's arms. I wasn't sure if 'The master' was the same person from the other day but I found myself looking forward to seeing him. 

Loud voices could be heard as we walked towards the large doors at the end of the hallway and Mimi seemed to hesitate for a moment before knocking.

The voices pause as a familiar smooth voice responds. "Enter."

"Master." Mimi opens the door and bows her head. "She is awake."

The purple eyed man sat behind a large desk covered in papers with people standing all around- all staring at me. I quickly avoided their eyes and looked around the room.

I couldn't believe how tall the ceilings were, everything seemed to be really big and tall here since the room I was in was also like this.

Mimi entered the room as I stared up and stopped in front of the desk which caused me to return my attention to the man.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, leaning forward and folded his hands together as he looked me over. 

I could feel eyes on me as I started to open my mouth and my throat suddenly closed up as shivers ran up my back. The man seemed to notice something was wrong and waved the people out before standing up to move around the desk.

He held out his arms for me and I immediately reached out, grasping onto his clothes as he took me out of Mimi's arms.

Gentle pats chased the shivers away and slowly cleared out my throat. I leaned into him, breathing in his scent that was starting to make me hungry.

"Better?" His voice vibrates against my ear as I looked up at him. I nod as he sat down in the chair and placed me on his lap. 

"Wh- GROWLLL!!!!!!" My stomach suddenly rumbles as I started to speak causing my cheeks to heat up.

The man raised an eyebrow and chuckles before looking at Mimi.

"I'll bring her meal up soon." Mimi smiles. "I've asked the chef to make something nutritious."

Mimi's gaze was sad as she looked at me. She bows as the man nods and leaves the room.

Now it was just the two of us. 

"You said your name was Seven." The man asks leaning his cheek against his fist as he watched me. 

I nodded once again, the sad look on his face had returned. 

"No place to go."

I stared up at his eyes as he talked, noticing that he had long dark hair that shined purple in the thin rays of sunlight.

"Little one?" His voice called me back from my fascination with his hair. 

"S-sorry!" I recoiled from his hand, instinctively shielding myself.

The man frowns as the sunlight disappeared, looking angry. I flinched again as I peeked at his face which he notices and took a deep breath.

The sunlight reappears as he sighed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"I-its okay." I slowly put my hands down, feeling guilty at his expression. 

"No. It's not." He shook his head. "Will you give me your hand?"

I hesitate for a moment before placing my hand in his, seeing how small mine is. 

The man stares at my hand for a few seconds then raised it up, stopping just before my hand touches his lips.

"I, Terzin de Rirgonath Gecaea, King of the Demons swear that you have nothing to fear within my castle and kingdom. You will come to no harm as long as I am King." 

Gold light leaves his mouth as he spoke, swirling around my hand and leaving a mark. Terzin releases my hand and I quickly rub it feeling the warmth as it faded out of view.

 "W-what was that?" I asked.

"A promise." He smiled gently at me. "I always keep my promises."

'A promise...' I remember teacher saying something about promises a long time ago. 

Promises are things that absolutely will happen or be done. 

I never really understood it but I felt that he would keep it.

"Do you want to stay here?" Terzin suddenly asks me, seeming to realize something as I looked at him. "You don't have to if you feel uncomfortable. I can-"

"NO!!!!" A shout burst out from me, surprising him. "I-i want to s-stay here."

"I see." Terzin smiles, his eyes sparkling. "I have no intention of calling you Seven though... How about calling you Soraya?"

"S-soraya?" I repeated the name, a strange feeling welling up inside my chest. 

"Do you like it?"

"Yes!!" I felt my lips curve upwards, the unfamiliar movement weird but I didn't dislike it. 

Hey! It your favorite author!!!!! How has everyone's year been so far? Things have been hectic for me which is why this chapter took so long. 

Unfortunately, the next chapter might be even longer since I'll be starting up classes next week so I'm not really sure when Chapter eight will be posted.

I actually had a really hard time picking out a good name for our little Soraya and don't even get me started on Terzin's name. It's nice to see that 'The Demon King said to call him Papa' has 459 views so far! I would love it this book would someday surpass 'How the Emperor Trapped a Witch' cause that would mean my writing has gotten better.

Also, there will be an extra for 'How the Emperor Trapped a Witch' sometime next month so for those who already read it, be looking forward to it!!!

Love all of you and thanks for reading!!!

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