Chapter Thirty-four: Planning

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"So, what did you want to speak with me about?" Papa asks as the last few pieces of paper drift back into place.

"I had an idea for my birthday gift." I rubbed my eyes again. 

"Let's hear it." He sits down next to me and waved a hand for refreshments to appear. 

"I want to go on a trip with you."

"A trip?" 

"Yes." I found myself looking down at my hands until it was covered by Papa's hand. "I got the idea with help from Nova."

Nova's statement of not needed a present to be a 'thing' allowed me to think of a few books that I've read where the characters go on trips and become closer. 

"Is there any place in particular you wanted to go?" Papa asks, patting my head.

"Um..." I paused for a moment. I wanted to go some place I've never been; The home with Daddy was filled with buildings and many hills, the mine was next to mountains and so was our home. "I want to go somewhere new."


As I waited for him to say something, a memory flashed through my mind- an image of tall trees with no branches and leaves on top with water surrounding sand. I remember seeing it on boards near the house when I took out the trash. 

'What was it called again?' I tried remembering before the word popped into my head.

"Beach!" I blurted out. "Can we go to the beach?"

I knew that the Demon kingdom had beaches from my studies but they were a bit far from home. 

"A trip to the beach." Papa mulled it over. "We might not be able to do it exactly on your birthday but we can certainly go on a trip."

"Really?" I could barely contain the excitement that bubbled within me. 

"Of course." He rubs my head before smoothing down the stray hairs. "Since it's your first request, I know you must of thought a lot about it."

"I can't wait!!" My smile was so wide that it was hurting my face.


"Princess!!!" Aidan rushes over as I entered the stable, here to visit Benny. "I heard that your going on a trip to the beach for your birthday!" 

"Yes!" I didn't hide the smile still on my face. "I've never been to the beach before!"

"There's so many things you can do on the beach!" Aidan started listing off things to do as Nadia leads out Benny to the outdoor paddock. "Like swimming, catching fish, collecting sea shells..."

"Pretty sure that this trip is for the Princess." She says, sending a look in her brothers direction. "Not you."

"I'm just giving her some ideas!" Aidan shrugged before heading back in to clean Benny's stall. 

"It's okay Nadia!" I chuckle a bit as Benny rubs his face against mine. "I'm thankful to be getting some ideas." 

"We are all excited for you." A rare smile graced her features. "This will be a wonderful present for you."

"I'm super excited." 

"Resume his training." Duke Laita's cold voice was quiet over my gasps from being hit with wooden rods. "There will be more punishment if you fail to win." 

His shoe comes into my field of view, sticking itself beneath my chin and forcing my head up to look at him. 

"A Hero must be perfect, these injuries should not hinder you; if anything- they should make you more deadly."  He huffs, before shaking off my chin. 

"My Duke Laita." A man in dark clothing and a strange mask that seemed to change with each second suddenly appeared, kneeling off to the side. "I come bearing news."

"Report."  The Duke barely looks at him as a servant runs up to wipe off his shoe.

"Our spies have reported that the Demon King is planning something."


The man seems to motion towards me.

"Leave." Duke Laita's words were aimed at me. 

"Y-yes Duke." I coughed before getting up and unsteadily leaving the training room. 

They do not speak until the door closes behind me.

I paused, looking at the door for a moment before continuing on to my room. It was better to leave than to be caught staying. 

It was only once I got into my room that I was able to somewhat relax. The room was clearly for someone with a high status- gold details were on the walls, ceiling and furniture. It had taken me some time to get used to it.

I was about to sit when three sharp knocks echoed into my room.

"Enter." I stopped unbuttoning my shirt and kept my back away from the door. I was glad that most of the clothing I was allowed to wear was dark clothing, which hid the bruises that I knew were forming underneath. 

"Your meal." The butler opened the door before stepping aside to allow servants to wheel in a tray of food. "The Duke is too busy join you for dinner."

"I understand." I carefully kept my face passive, knowing that if I showed anything- it would get me into trouble. It was rare when I could eat by myself, the Duke had ordered me to join him at dinner where he would watch my manners- not allowing me to take a single bite if I was to hold the cutlery wrong or even cut the food in a certain way.

"I am also to remind you that you will have training in the morning."

I nod as I watch them to leave, sighing in relief once they were gone. After eating what I could, I saved some food for Two, Eight, and Nine though I would have to wait until nightfall before I could give it to them. 


"Five!" A quiet whisper calls out to me as I walked down the garden. Tonight, it was Eight who greeted me. 

"Be sure to share." I gave him the carefully wrapped food, seeing a few fresh marks on him.

I knew that the Duke punished them too for my failures, these must be from today.

"Are Two and Nine okay?"

"..." He pauses for a moment before shaking his head. 

"I'm sorry."

"We know it not your fault." 

I have been teaching them a little bit more about reading, writing and speaking but there was still some issues with their speech. 

"Heard rumor." Eight looked around for a moment before leaning in. "Something big happening."


"Not sure." He shook his head again. "But more soldiers, saw them carry something. Saw white robes."

White robes. The Priests of the Goddess. For serving a righteous god, they do not mind discriminating against those they believe are unworthy of their help.

'What would the Priests be doing with soldiers?' I thought to myself as I watched Eight leave with the food.

Hey everyone!!! I know that this chapter was supposed to come sooner, but there was a bit of writers block that hit me so it took some time for me to write it. I had also wanted to make sure that it was long as well- since the last one was a bit short.😅

Its slowly getting hot in some areas of the world- so I hope you all remember to stay hydrated and cool! 🍹

Luckily, I should be able to get back into the groove of writing soon since most of my work is done outside of school!

Love all of you and Thanks for Reading!! 🥰🥰🥰

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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