Christmas Special Part 1. SoftBf x Softpico

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It was a snowy day, kids playing, bells ringing, and Old Man Tim...We don't talk about him. Ben and Pico were walking hand in hand downtown, so many attractions could be found.

Pico POV
"Is it good?" "Mhm thanks Pico." "No problem Softie." I have a surprise for Softie later on today so for now we're just strolling ar- "Pico look over there!" I looked to where Softie was pointing to see carolers "C'mon Pico!" We went to the front of the crowd to get a better look.

"Rudolph the red nose reindeer had a very shiny nose, and if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows🎶"

Still Pico POV
I looked at Softie and he seemed to be enjoying their singing, I smiled and looked back at the carolers. After a while they stopped and we started walking again, though I noticed there were a lot of stuffed animals in the display of a lot of stores. The first thing that came to mind was "Shit." "Babe your not gonna run off ar-" *Gasp* "Oh my gosh look at that wolf plushie!!" Fuck please don't. Softie let go of my hand and ran off "W-Wait B!!" And he did. I tried to run after him but got stuck in a crowd "Dammit Excuse me, sorry" after a while I got out of the crowd and started looking for Softie in one of the stores. "He's not in this one," I walked out the store "He said something about a wolf," I looked around at the displays again and saw not two but three wolf plushies in different displays. "Why the fuc- no what fuck it." I went in the stores that had the wolf plushies but had no luck again, "Where is he, I hope nothing happened to him, what am I gonna do?" "Pico sorry for running off like that" "Please be okay" "Pico?" "What am i go-" "Toughie" I felt someone tugging on my sleeve "Are you ok?" I turned around to see Softie with a wolf plushie, I immediately hugged him feeling relieved. "I know you love plushies but please don't run off again." "I'm sorry its just that it was so adorable." Softie held up the wolf showing it to me "Does...Does the wolf have a bandana?" "Mhm it reminded me of you." I still have some questions but FUCK THAT'S CUTE! "Maybe we should head home for now" Softie said "Sure"

The couple makes their way back home. Ben and Pico puts some cookies in the oven, while waiting for the cookies to bake they play candy land.

Pico POV
"Seriously. What the fuck, I keep getting stuck in the damn licorice." "Don't worry Pico maybe next round you'll get lucky." "That's easy for you to say you got the special cards like every three turns, I think I wasn't meant to play this."

Ben won that round and they played again.

Still Pico POV
Please let me be lucky. Please please pleas- I got stuck. Again. What the fuck, does this game hate me? I looked at the card Softie put down and it was another special card, this was the second one he got. ._. "Hey how about we play connect four instead." Maybe I'll have better luck "Sure" Softie grabbed the box and put it on the table.

The oven stopped.

"I'll take them out." Softie got up and went to the kitchen, "Be careful" "I will, they smell goo-"


I turned around to see Softie on the floor along with the cookies, I got up and ran over to him "Softie are you ok?!" Softie slowly sat up and looked at the cookies "Ah your nose is bleeding I'll get tissue!" I grabbed a box of tissues and went over to Softie, "I-Im sorry." Softie started crying "It's ok Softie it's not your fault, and we can make more!" Softie started crying even more "T-There is n-no more!" Fuck I made it worse. I grabbed a tissue and wiped the blood away, "Please don't cry Ben, we can buy some." Softie looked at me for a little and then looked back down at the cookies "O-Ok..." I wiped his tears and helped him up.

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