Tales of Sir Dumbass and the skateboard

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"See you later Pico!"
"Bye softie, have fun!"

Here we have Soft bf, a young man on the shorter side who aspires to be a painter and ran away from his parents with his supportive boyfriend.

Soft bf walks out the door to be greeted by his friends.

"Wassup Soft!!"

Up next is B3 bf the dumbass  (well Neos dumbass)of the group who's always trying to do something stupid.

"Hey Soft!"

And finally we have Neo bf who's always stopping B3 bf from doing stupid stuff but he loves him.

"Hey hey look I got a skateboard!!"
"Do you even know how to ride it?"
"Nope but I'll try my best!"
"Your a idiot, soft help me convince him not to ride it."
"O-ok um, B3 it's probably-"
"Um, definitely not a good idea to ride it if you don't know how to."
"Don't worry guys I'll be fine, I just binge watched Sk8 the Infinity and I'm confident I can do it."
"W-wait what. That's why your trying to ride it, your a dumbass."
"FROM HD!!!"
"G-guys pls calm down where still in front of the door, Pico will get-"

The door opened and Pico came out.

"Can you two shut the hell up. Your so damn loud."

"Hey Pico Pie long time no see gimme a hug!!"

Pico stopped B3 from hugging him.

"What are you talking about, you came over the day, also stop calling me that."
"Oh hey I got a skateboard wanna see me ride it?"
"Do you even know how to?"
"Nope but I believe in myself and that's enough."
"I think I just lost brain cells listening to that, anyways you probably shouldn't ride it."
"First those two now you, I'll be fine because I also binge watched Sk8 the Infini-"
"Your a dumbass." Pico said as he closed the door.
"I told you idiot."
"I'm still gonna do it!"

While they were walking Neo and Soft kept trying to convince him not to ride it. B3 then ran down the hill to a empty parking lot and the two followed.

"Oh god B3 don't do it."
"Shut up I can do it!"
"No you can't you just said you couldn't, just because you watched Sk8 the Infinity doesn't mean you know how to!"
"I'll show you, Soft!"
"Remember this you can do anything if you put your mind to it, don't listen to Neo!"
"O-ok," Soft got inspired by what he said.
"Soft wait I guess you can but this is different he never learned how to."
"I can and will so stand back!"
"B3 please wait don't do i-"

B3 tried to do a kickflip and actually did it surprisingly.

"Hah told you!"
"W-Wow he actually did it."
"I'm glad you didn't get hurt B3 but you probably shouldn't try again." Soft said full of worry.
"Nah it's ok!"

He tried to ride it and do a trick on the rail but fell.

"Oh shit!"

They both ran over to him to see if he's ok.

"Ow, that hurt."
"Can you get up?" Soft said.
"Told you, dumbass." Neo said.
"Hey stop calling me a dumbass!!"
"But that's something only a dumbass would do."

Neo extended his hand and B3 took it.

"We should go to the store and get bandaids." Soft said.

They walked to the store and got bandaids, while inside B3 was trying to grab a bunch of snacks.

"Bro, why?"
"I need my munchies."
"Do you even have enough?"
"I thought you were treating."
"Hell no."
"But we're homies!"
"Yeah we are, I don't even have a lot on me."
"It's ok B3 I'll pay for it."
"For realzies?!"

B3 ran over to Soft and hugged him.

"Soft you don't have to,"
"It's ok really."
"How much is it all together?"
"Its $12.48!"
"Tf did you get, soft it's cool plus he already has a lo-"

Soft and B3 were walking to the counter.

"Wait I'll pay half."

Neo and Soft went half and walked out of the store and B3 gave them some of the snacks.

"Wow it's late we should head home."
"Yeah ok."
"Okey dokey!"

The trio makes their way home stopping at Softs place.

"Bye see you guys later."
"Bye bye amigo!!"
They waved to each and went their separate ways.

"I'm back Pico."
Pico and Soft put a movie on and got some popcorn.
"So did the idiot actually ride it?"
"Oh yeah, he actually managed to do a kickflip and tried to do another trick but got hurt."

Pico sat next to Soft and asked him to hold the popcorn. He then grabbed Soft and put him in his lap causing Soft to turn red.

Meanwhile with Neo and B3.

"Why the hell did you do that you had Soft and me worried."
"I knew Soft was but you were worried about me?"
"Yeah we're homies after all right?"
"Damn straight!"
They gave each a fist bump.

"How about a little kiss!"
Neo immediately turned red.
"H-huh why?"
"Because we're homies."
"So what."
"If you don't kiss, hold hands with your homies, your not real homies!!"
"... That sounds like something you would say."
"Yep so gimme a ki-"

Next thing he knew Neo kissed his cheek and they both turned red.
"H-holy shit, I didn't think you actually do it!!!"
"Y-you told m-me to!!!"
"Yeah I know I did but you know how you are."
"B3 you bastard!!"
" I think you mean B3 dadd-"
Neo knew what he was gonna say and stuffed a strawberry roll in his mouth.
"Oh my god!!"
"Woah, you good baby?"
"H-huh what do you mean?"
"I mean you just stuffed this in my mouth, are you mad because I didn't give you attention last night~"
"Y-you y-your so dirty minded!!!"
"I'm kidding, let's go home!"

The two "homies" walked home.

Konnichiwa Sono Tempest, watashi wa anata ga tanoshinda koto o nozomimashita. Wow I used Google translate, anyways this story is gonna be a lot more light hearted than my others and there'll be chapters about Pico, Neo Gf and B3 Gf hanging out so I hope you look forward to it.

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