It's Halloween!!!

978 16 26

Konnichiwa Sono Tempest, Betsu no shō ni modotte, o tanoshimi kudasai. And yes I used Google translate again, I actually wanna learn Japanese. Also this is like 2 months late but I wanted to do a chapter about Halloween. Anyways let me shut up so you can read.

It's Halloween, B3 and Neo are on their way to Softs place.

"C'mon Pico please?"
"I-I can't Softie, it's to embarrassing."
"B-but B3 wanted me to give it to you so I can take a picture.
"B3, oh hell no."
Pico looked at Soft as he started to make a pouty face. He tried to look away but couldn't.

"Ok ok I'll wear it."
"Thank you!"
"That was dirty of you."
"B3 also told me to do that."
"Holy shit, what did I get myself into?"
"I don't know."

Soft put the ears on him and took a picture.

"Can I take this off now?"
"Um, oh wait not yet, he wants to take a picture with you."
"W-what else has he been sending you?"
"... A lot, you don't want to know."
"Also why are you dressed as Neo?"
"We all dressed as each other, B3 thought it would be fun."

Five minutes later they heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it."
Pico opened the door.
"Hey Pic- holy fuck." Neo was shocked while B3 was laughing on the ground.
"Don't laugh don't laugh don't laugh." Neo thought to himself.
"Fuck you B3."
As Pico walked back inside Soft came out.

"Oh my god, Soft your amazing!!"
"Is that why you wanted me to get him to wear it?"
"B3 thought it would be funny to see him wear bunny ears, well I did to but I didn't think he would actually wear them."
"It was pretty hard to get him to but I didn't know it was for laughs I hope he isn't mad at me."

Neo saw tears coming out so did B3.
"You dumbass look at what you did- wait Soft I'm sure he isn't mad at you." Neo said to reassure him.
"Yeah I'm sure he's just embarrassed!!"
"I-I didn't mean to embarrass him!!"
"Oh that came out wrong."
"Yeah no shit Sherlock, don't listen to him Soft he's a dumbass."
"HEY, I'm your dumbass!"
Neo got flustered when he said that.
"Right anyways, I'm sure he isn't mad at you, he's mad at B3."
"Shut the hell up."
Pico came back outside still embarrassed and saw Soft crying.
"B3, wth did you do?" Pico said angrily
"W-wait I can explain-"
"Soft didn't know B3 asked him to do that for laughs so Soft thought you were mad at him so dumbass here-"
"Your dumbass~"
*Sigh* my dumbass here made it worse by telling him your embarrassed."
"P-Pico I-Im s-sorry.
"Baby blue I'm not mad at you," Pico smiled.
"Baby blue how adowable!"
"That's enough from you let's go," Neo took B3's hand and went inside.

Pico cupped his cheeks as he wiped his tears.
"I'm a little embarrassed for wearing this damn thing but it's not your fault, you didn't know."
He then pulled Soft into a hug.

"Let's go inside ok?"
"Ok." Soft smiled.
They went back inside to hear the pair talking.
"B3 stop he's gonna get pissed."
"C'mon man it'll be fine plus Pico Pie and Soft are outside still, probably making out!"
"That doesn't mean you can raid their fridge though!!"
"Ssh glow balls it's all good, were homies anyway."
Neo got flustered at his comment.

"First of all stop calling me that, second of all he's annoyed by you."
"Nah Pico Pie loves me."
"Pico Pie thinks your so damn annoying."
Neo and B3 turned around and saw Pico and Soft behind them.
"Told you."
"Hey Pico Pie you guys good now?"
"Yeah we are, the hell are you doing raiding our fridge?"
"Finding food?"
"No shit Sherlock, I mean why are you."
"Isn't this a party? You don't have shit out!!"
Pico sighed and grabbed a bag from the cabinet.
"Here shorty."
He then threw the bag and B3 caught it.

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