Chapter 3-Lunch and more.

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Me and Niall found Molly at her locker talking to some boy! Did she have a crush? Was it her boyfriend? Was he related to her? Me and Niall looked at each other with the 'what the -' expression after that we started to grin.. Molly said, "Errmm. Nice talking to you George. See you soon bye". He wondered off into the corridor fitting in with other people. Atleast I could figure out what she last said. She turned back around to her locker putting back her books. I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder she jumped and said, "Hey Helena! Why scare me like-" She cut herself off looking at me and niall and said, "I see, you have a new friend, Niall?"

I just smiled and nodded and said, "Yeah I bumped into him whilst I was walking to music and he had the same period so he helped me out and stuff.. but in Science I had this weird boy sat next to me. He had curly hair and emarald eyes and his name is suppiosbly, 'Harold' but he said to me I can call him Harry. He is quite a handfull to be honest".

Niall and Molly laughed. Niall inbetween laughs said, "He- Harry- He's my friend! Aha. He is a flirt.. what do you expect?" I was a little confused but I went with it. Molly and Niall finally calmed down. We walked to the dining hall to eat, I got a tuna sandwich,a drink and a cupcake, Molly got a cheese sandwich,a drink and an apple whilst Niall.. he got 2 ham sandwiches, a drink, 2 cupcakes and a banana. How could one child eat so much in a day? Me and Molly was waiting for Niall to finish off his drink when he did, we walked out of the dining hall and we went to the gym. Molly got a text but I didn't see it she wouldn't let me she said, "oih! I'm going. I'll see you in a bit, love chu babycakes" she winked and left me and Niall standing there in awkward silence. Niall broke the silence saying, "Do you like food?" I giggled and said "Hell yes!" He laughed.

-schools over. can't be bothered writing out all of her classes and stuff... to boring. all it is learn,learn ;)-.

***nialls p.o.v***

I'm waiting for Helena to come now. I'm waiting at her locker people looking at me..awkward. I don't like it. She better hurry up. A couple of minuites after, I saw that pretty face of hers I looked into them beautiful blue eyes once again and smiled. She looked down and smiled. She walked closer to her locker and said, "How long have you been waiting? I'm sorry. The stupid teacher wouldn't let us go because people were giving him back chat, aha! So what we waiting for? Lets go. I wanna get to know you more" She smiled and wacked her hip againest mine. She was so cute. I just wanted to hug her and never let go..I'm not gonna lie. It was true. I was smiling so much in my head! She has made my day. We started walking down the corridor. She just started randomly giggling I looked at her with a serious face on me until she came to snorting, then I laughed. It was too funny. She was nearly falling over. I said , " Hey mrs. Whatcha laughing about?"

She said inbetween laughs, "Oh it doesn't matter.. It was something what happened in class. Why are you laughing? Eh?" she winked.

I said, "You was snorting aha." She calmed down instantly trying not to start laughing again. We finally get out of the school doors. We started walking to my house wow I can't wait to show her. What will she think? I wonder if she likes me... probably not. She might have a boyfriend.. maybe? Thats what I might found out tonight,hopefully.. We finally got to my house she said, "Wow your house is well big! I like" she smiled as well as I did. I unlocked the door and saw my mum, Maura on the sofa watching T.V she looked up at me and Helena and said, "Hi Niall. Is this your girlfriend?" Embarrasing much..

I said, "No mum. She is just a new friend. We'll be upstairs if you need me." I was slightly blushing. Luckily I weren't a lot. Just a bit. I do have to admit.. I do. She was beautiful (Helena)! Harry probably likes her as well.. knowing him although he likes a lot of people. As I ran upstairs with her hand-in-hand. I smiled a bit. Her hands was smooth and soft. I wonder why my mum asked me that question she hardly ever asks me them questions.. huh? Weird. Helena said, "Well..." I just nodded. I opened my bedroom door her mouth dropped and said, "This is your bedroom? Oh my god. I love it. I want a room like this. It is perfect!" she ran inside I walked behind her just laughing. I weren't holding her hand anymore unfortanetly.. lets see what we have in store.

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