Chapter 2 - Home Sweet Home, with a surprise

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Home Sweet Home with a surprise 

Alice and Frank decided they would take the floo network as they were advised it was to dangerous to apparate with a newborn baby. So they got to the fire place in St Mungos that was commonly used by out patients and their families. Alice, Frank and baby Neville stepped into the fire, before shouting their destination Alice and Frank thanked all the healers for all their great work and help and promised they would be back in the next couple of weeks with a generous donation for the ward for their wonderful work. 

 As Frank said very clearly the destination of their home, the next thing Alice knew she was in her living room with people cheering at her, Frank and baby Neville. She looked round glowing as her friends and family were surrounding her and baby Neville. "Congratulations to all of you" said Sirius Black. Sirius was a very handsome man with long black hair, dark eyes and a smile that always made you think he was up to something. Alice remembering Sirius back in school as he was a prankster him and his best friend James Potter always up to mischief she laughed at this thought, he was a school class mate who became close friends of the Longbottoms. 

 Sirius hugged Alice and gave her a kiss on the cheek gave little Neville a kiss on the head "Welcome to the world little guy, he is your double mate" said Sirius as he turned to shake Franks hand and pulled him in for a hug."

 "You sure are right about that Padfoot"  said James as he and Lily Potter looking down on baby Neville. James had dark messy hair and brown eyes, he also had these round glasses and like his friend Sirius, he had a smile that always made you think he was up to something. "Poor guy looking like you Longbottom" joked James as he shook Franks hand. Frank laughed at this "watch it you" he said to James jokingly.

  "He is beautiful Alice I am so happy for you" said Lily Potter. Lily Potter was a beautiful witch she had long red hair that danced when she walked, the biggest green eyes you have ever seen and a soft smile. She was also heavily pregnant and was due any day now."Thank you Lily. Would you like to hold him?" asked Alice. "Would I ever. Come here you gorgeous little boy" Lily said this excitedly as she gently took Neville from his mothers arms and sat on a near by chair.

  "I'm so happy for you, he is perfect" said Remus Lupin glowing at Alice. Remus Lupin was another friend of James and Sirius but Alice always said he was the sensible one out of his friends, he also had light brown hair and dark brown eyes Alice noticed he was looking pale and ruff, also a little tired but never questioned him, he always seemed to look like this even in school but he was always smiling. "Thank you Remus" said Alice as he drew her in for a tight hug.

 "Peter sends his love he couldn't get out of work today" said Remus. Peter Pettigrew was the forth friend of James, Sirius and Remus. He was known to his friends as Wormtail. Peter was the quiet shy one out of all his friends, he always looked up to James and Sirius. Alice thought back to school and remembered thinking you wouldn't believe he was friends with the three other boys because he was so quite and shy. Sirius and James were very popular but Peter always just strayed behind them, almost like a lost boy just wanting to be cool but his friends love him and he is a gentle loving person. Peter was a small stumpy man his mouth screwed up almost looked like a rat.  

 "He is going to be a strong member of the order when he's older don't you think Moony" said Sirius who was pointing at Neville who was still in Lily's arms. (Moony was Remus Lupins nickname he got from his friends).

 "Hopefully when he's older the war will be over" said Remus softly but serious."Yeah well if not we don't have to worry because we already have two new members, this little guy and my god child when he or she decides to get here" everyone laughed at Sirius as he said this."What have I told you Padfoot we are having a boy isn't that right Lily" said James."I don't care as long as this little angel comes out as perfect as this one and doesn't have your cheeky side" said Lily jokingly everyone laughed again "yeah I don't think you could handle a baby Prongs when you have this one" said Sirius pointing at James laughing at himself. (Prongs was what James Potters friends called him "Or you as godfather" laughed Lily. Everyone was laughing as James and Sirius where making fun of each other.

 Frank walked up to Lily "sorry Lily but I have to steal my son off you its time to put him down" he said " of course Frank " said Lily and she gave him a little kiss on the top of Nevilles head. "Sleep tight Neville she says" as Frank took him into his own arms. Everyone was saying goodnight to Neville. "well we all better go and let you rest up. Congratulations again" said lilly hugging Alice I will keep you informed about this one pointing to her own stomach and having a giggle with Alice. "you get some rest now" said Lupin as he joined Lily and the others at the fire place. 

 "Bye thanks for coming" Frank and Alice called after them before they disappeared in the flames."That was nice its good to be home sweet home" Alice said while rapping her arms around her husbands neck and kissing him gently. "Come on Mrs Longbottom lets get you to bed you need to rest" said Frank as he swept his wife off his feet and carried her to there room.

 It was 10 O'clock in the morning when Alice noticed a familiar owl come through her kitchen window, "I wonder what Lily could want" as she tore open the letter.

 "Dear Alice, 

I'm so bored of being stuck in the house all the time, James has me being a prisoner in my own home! He seems to think I'm going to go into labour any moment now so doesn't want me going anywhere incase he can't get to me in time. So....I was wondering if it was ok to come over and see you and your gorgeous son? you aren't that far away from us and I know my own body, I'm not going into labour any time soon! pretty please?

Lily x

  Alice had a grin on her face by the time she finished the letter, she knew too well what it was like to be kept prisoner in her own home and not allowed to work, the one thing she loved doing most, as her dearest Frank done the exact same thing for months whilst she was pregnant. So of course she accepted Lily's offer to come over, she could use a little grown up time with her friend.

 When Lily arrived she came baring gifts of soft toys and blankets for Neville and loads of chocolate and loads of hugs for her close friend Alice. Both woman were soon in fits of giggles telling each other stories from Hogwarts and their early courtship of their husbands, Alice recalled her first proper date with Frank and laughed so hard at the memory, as she recalled Frank was a nervous wreck all day and it made him so clumsy that he wasn't watching where he was going as he was walking down to Hogsmeade he suddenly bumped into Professor McGonagall and to his horror realised his hands were on her bust! Alice was telling this to Lily she had tears of laughter streaming down her face, when suddenly Lily gasps "oh no! I think my waters have just broken!! what am I going to do? I'm not ready to have my baby just now, I cant...James isn't even here!!!"

 Both woman panicking, Alice sends an urgent patronus to James telling him to leave what ever it is he's doing and rush back to the Longbottom residence as Lily is going into labour and its not slowing down, not for anyone!

 "Oh merlin's beard, I wish James would hurry up! This baby doesn't want to wait any longer" Lily screamed, she suddenly had the painful urge to push. Alice layed Lily on the floor with pillows and blankets on the floor. "Dont we need hot water and towels?" panicked Lily, "I haven't got the faintest idea what they would be used for Lily, I never needed them during my labour" said Alice. Within Ten minutes of hard pushing, Lily gave birth to a gorgeous little boy and already he had a mob of messy dark hair like his father, who just so happened to rush in at that moment.

 "Merlin's beard Lily! I told you not to leave the house, didn't I say you would go into labour any day now?" said James...."Shh James, you can scold me later but look at the bundle in my arms...we have a son! Isn't he the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? and we created him!" said Lily with tears strolling down her face. James was mesmerised with the image before him, his beloved wife and now his newborn son, his life was now complete and already he could feel that instant connection and love he felt for this little bundle of joy.

 "I decided on a name for him James, I hope you dont mind but I think you'll find it suits him" said Lily with a huge smile on her face, how could he refuse what ever name she thought of when she looked like that James thought...."Ok, what do you have for him. Nothing too modern I hope...."

 "Harry James Potter, nice and traditional dont you think my dear?" said Lily, with a sigh of relief James nodded in agreement and then turned to Alice and gave her a huge bear hug. "Thank you for taking care of my family, you done an excellent job, maybe a new career change for you Alice?" James said jokingly and laughed at the horror on Alice's face. "Merlins beard no! too much hassle and I was terrified the whole time! give me a duel with a dark wizard anyday" said Alice.

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