Chapter 1 - Neville Longbottom

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Neville Longbottom  

It was a warm summers night and St Mungos was very quite and still on the 30th of July apart from the loving cry of a beautiful baby boy. Francis Longbottom (known by everyone as Frank) was a tall man with a strong jaw line, messy black hair, big brown eyes and very funny shaped ears who always cared for his friends and family. Frank slowly strolled round a small private ward grasping onto this precious little baby..."My little baby boy" Frank thought proudly to himself. He soothed his boy gently, whispering as he did "Hey little guy its ok daddys got you. I'm always going to be here for you..."

This beautiful baby boy looked so much like his dad with the exact same messy dark hair, big gleaming brown eyes and he even had his dads funny shaped ears."I will never let anyone hurt you, you are my special boy".

 With this the boy calmed down while grasping his fathers index finger with his tiny little hand. "Mummy and I are so proud of you but we need to let mummy rest" as Frank said this, his baby boy gave a big yawn. Frank gave a small chuckle "yeah its been along day for all of us good night baby boy". Frank placed his son in the cot at the bottom of the bed and looked round to his wife who was breathing heavily because of exhaustion. Like her newborn son and husband, Alice Longbottom had dark hair and had it styled short. When people asked why she had it so short she would simply say "because I'm sick of having to brush it out of my face and when I'm duelling it always gets in the way." This was the biggest thing that Frank loved about his wife she simply didn't care what everyone thought of her, "as long as we're happy thats all that matters to me" - which she would often say to her loving husband.

Frank slowly walked up and sat at the edge of the bed and kissed his wife gently on her forehead "I am so proud of you my love, goodnight" he whispered as he didn't want to wake her up, and kissed her one last time before lying on the little bed that the healers placed for him, and quickly fell asleep with the biggest smile on his face.

  The next morning Frank woke up to not a baby crying but his wife, he jumped up out of bed pointing his wand around the room. When he realised where he was he put his wand down and crossed over to his wife. "Alice what ever is the matter my love" Frank spoke these words with worry in his throat. "Look! you see how perfect he is? and we made him!" said Alice with tears running down her face and a proud smile across her tearful face. I have a name I would like to call him, if its ok with you?" asked Frank, Alice looked excited but also worried "what is it? " she asked. "Neville Longbottom" said Frank as he picked his perfect newborn son up and crossed the room over to his wife. She smiled at her husband and gently took her son in her arms she looked into her sons eyes and said "you look so much like your father Neville Longbottom" and looked up to her husband whose eyes where looking glassy with tears, he just whispered to his wife "Thank you" "No. Thank You" said Alice, as she kissed her husband. The door swung open with a crash which startled Neville. Frank jumped for his wand and pointed it at the door. What do you think you are doing? Pointing a wand at your own mother!! said Augusta Longbottom, over the top of her new crying grandson.

Augusta Longbottom was a very small women who looked very fragile but was no where near it. She wore ridiculous clothes and far to much make up but Augusta was a very loving and caring women. Frank dropped his wand and said to his mum angrily "Mum you scared the sh…..". "You better watch your mouth Frank Longbottom!!" snapped Alice. Augusta just smiled and wobbled over to the bed saying excitedly "Let me see him! let me see him!" Alice was laughing at her mother in-law while passing baby Neville "go see your grandmother Neville" Augusta smiled "Oh hello baby boy my little neville you look so much like your father, you handsome boy" said Augusta her voice crackling a bit. Frank spotted a couple of tears in his mothers eyes "He's perfect isn't he mum?" asked Frank  Augusta nodded "more than that", she said happily. 

 A few days after Neville was born a healer came in to tell them they where ready to be sent home, Alice was over the moon about this. As much as she loved the healers for all their hard work she just wanted to go home and show Neville his new home. "Thank you for everything" Alice said to the healer. The healer gave Alice a little nod and walked back out the room "you ready to go home baby boy?" asked Alice with a smile on her face "we will just have to wait on daddy getting here" Where is he?..." she said more to herself than to her son...

 After a couple of hours Alice was getting impatient from having to wait for her husband, more worried because she didn't have a clue where he was. Next minute the ward door opened and there stood her husband with a big smile on his face and his hands behind his back. "Where have you been?!?" snapped Alice. Frank just smiled at her "don't worry my love I was out picking these up for you" he withdrew a big bunch of flowers from behind his back and she gasped "Oh Frank they're beautiful!" Alice said with the biggest smile on her face."I didn't know what ones to get you so I got a bit of everything they had in the shop" said Frank with a shy smile, he handed the bouquet to his wife and kissed her gently on the cheek "Look in the middle of it my love" said Frank.

  Alice looked a bit confused then gasped, in the middle of this beautiful bouquet was a beautiful silver necklace covered in small diamonds and one big Gryffindor red ruby. "oh my god it's beautiful!" Alice said whilst lifting the necklace up and admiring the red ruby. Frank knew she fell in love with it. "But I can't accept this Frank, no this is to much" she said to her husband, Frank laughed "its not enough for you." Alice smiled "I love you so much Frank" Alice said to her loving husband. "I love you more" replied Frank with a cheeky smile. "Come my love lets go home" Frank said while gently kissing his wife softly on the lips.  

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