Chapter 9 - Terrible News

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Terrible News 

"This is Amelia Diggory cutting short your daily listening of WizardsRock radio, to give you the breaking news of He Who Shall Not Be Named and his Death Eaters attacking the city! I'm currently on site endangering my life to bring you this news, hundereds of innocent people are being attacked and killed! there is no mercy being given, men, woman and children are being attacked equally and it looks like its not just people with magic ability either, Muggles are lying motionless on the streets as well! I beg of you, please do NOT leave your house today, stay indoors and keep your family safe. Merlin have mercy on us! I've been spotted, a Death Eater is coming towards me, I beg the Order of The Phoenix to come help us. We need Y-....ARGGGGHHH" *evil laughs* "no one can save you now, we're coming for you all" said one of the Death Eaters.

All the occupants of Grimwald Place turned to look at the radio in horror. "we need to go there and help as many people as we can! there is no way I'm going to let anymore innocent people die" said James looking pale from hearing the news. "don't worry, I'm with you on that one buddy, said Sirius, its time we contact the rest of the Order, get as many people here as we can and go after them all. Take as many down as we can!". Dumbledore sent out a Patronis to all of the members of the Order and told them to meet close to the site where all the Death Eaters and Voldemort where at. It took several minutes of arguing back and forth on who was to stay behind to look after Neville and Harry because all the adults wanted to go and seek revenge for their friends and family that were killed. Dumbledore settled the matter though, Sirius had to stay behind because he was the secret keeper to the house and that meant he had to stay inside so that nothing happened to him, Augusta was also made to stay behind as someone had to look after the boys, plus everyone could see how drained she was looking after the first fight and running away took on her, so they thought it was best she stayed. 

Lily and James went to check on the boys before they left for the battle, both boys were sleeping soundly and looked so content. Lily leaned over and gave Harry a kiss on the forehead, tears were running down her face and lightly falling onto Harry "I want you to know that mummy and daddy loves you very much Harry, we want the best world for you to live in and want you to grow up safe and sound with not a worry in the world, I'm sorry that we left you, but you will be well protected and cared for if something is to happen to either one of us." Lily had to walk out the room as she didn't want to wake up the boys because she was crying. James gave his wife a sad smile and said he would be done in a minute. James looked over at both boys and smiled, and thought to himself that if something was to happened to him and his wife then at least Harry would still have some sort of a family left. His best friend Sirius would make a fantastic god-father and father figure for both boys growing up and Neville could grow up to become a brother to him. So at least he wouldn't be alone. Just before James left the room, he said goodbye and love you to both boys, and both got a kiss to the forehead. 

With their goodbyes said, Lily, James and Dumbledore disapparated from Grimwald Place and joined up with the rest of the Order just in time for them to stop anymore senseless killing happening. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2014 ⏰

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