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Kageyama snapped out of his trance like state when he heard Tanaka calling his name again. Kageyama could hear the cat purring as she was rubbing up against him, giving a little meow.

He took this as a good sign and opened his eyes. In front of him stood the second year, looking confused and slightly blushing, both hands behind his back. Shifting his weight from one foot to another.

Tanaka took several deep breaths, his cheeks felt like they were on fire and his heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest, butterflies and worms flapping aggressively and squirming in his stomach. Tanaka was feeling more emotions then what he thought possible.

The second year suddenly felt very hot as he tried to steady his breath. Tobio patiently waited for whatever he was going say, since it was clear that he was in some sort of distress.

"You know what? Fuck it," he heard him impatiently whisper. "So the thing is...fuck it..." he repeated, head down. "I like you okay? And not in the friendly way but in the I love you kind of way and I may or may not have had it for a while now.

"You're an adorable jerk with your stupid pretty blue eyes and soft looking hair. Not to mention the way your hair swooshes When you jump up to spike a ball, and your adorable little pout when coach and Sensei won't let you play anymore or how you look when you concentrating on doing your homework and you play with your hair while you're concentrating and oh my fuck please say something," he was still looking down, too embarrassed to look at the setter.

His arms were outstretched, wild flowers tied together with several pieces of string. After several seconds of unbearably awkward silence, Tobio finally said something. "I don't get it?" He said, taking the flowers off of him.

Tanaka finally looked at him, unsure if he actually said that or not. "What could you possibly not get?" He asked back. "Is it a-"
Tanaka looked back down at the ground. "No it's not a joke or a prank I'm bisexual and I genuinely like you. Sure Kiyokos pretty and all but I don't like her in the same way I like you,"

Thought after negative thought rushed through the second years head: 'Holy shit this is so stupid', 'why did I do this?', 'He thinks Im a nutcase', 'I shouldn't have done it', 'he's never going to look at me let alone talk to me ever again',

"Once you get to know me. You'll change your mind," Kageyama spoke, looking off to the side.

"I doubt it," The second year challenged, they started walking again.

"I have more flaws then I could possibly count, you don't wanna date me," Kageyama tried again. Tanaka honestly couldn't believe what he was hearing. He stopped walking and stood in front of the first year. "I doubt it," I repeated, then said "Try me,"

Tobio huffed. "I'm clingy-" "-cuddly partner" "I have chronic nightmares-" "you need somebody to keep you company while you sleep? Wanna talk about it?" "King of the Court-" "Has evolved into a somewhat reluctant team player who has had character development and wasn't his fault in the first place," "jealousy and anxiety" "would you like reassurance that I do in fact like you ever 15 seconds and that I don't hate you?"

"I am autistic," "tell about your current special interest," "I'm mean," "you're only mean as a defender mechanism or when you have no choice but to be,"

Kageyama let out a huff and pouted. "Alright, fine, you um you made your point," Tanaka looked at him for a moment. "Yeah sure, I'll go out with you,"
Tanaka could've sworn his heart skipped a beat. "You're not saying this out of pity are you?"

"No," Tobio answered. "I just wanted to see if you really meant what you said,"

"What do we do now?" Kageyama asked him, looking at him with his deep blue eyes. "I..don't..really..know. To be honest I didn't expect to make it this far," he noticed that Kageyama had crouched down on the ground, letting the small cat sniff the flowers.

He got up and started walking again, noticing that he continued to admire the flowers. "Oh uh sorry, I didn't know what kind of flowers you like," Tobio gave a yawn. "It's okay, wild flowers are my favourite,"

This caused Tanaka to give a small smile, feeling like he did something right.

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