3. #THEN

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               ♧NISHOLA LUCY TELLA♧

  ♡The days I will forever wish to remain ♡

My secondary school days went by in a blur,it all went on in the same cliche way,that people describe in novels,we had the so called bitches,with excessive makeup and loud mouth chewing and the prince charmings(as they called themselves),the neards and so many more,I was one of all the rounders I never believed in belonging to a particular group,though I had my two besties,we never really had our particular thing leaving secondary school was an achievement for me,the feeling of final freedom was so wonderful and knowing my condition.

I had plans to enjoy myself adequately and luckily my boyfriend,Aeon was very supportive,up till this moment he has always been by my side and I owe it to him to give him the best I possibly could and this child I carry would be my best gift for him though I leave him without so much of my explanation.

I sigh,as I open my eyes ,my hands on my 8 months bump by my side with a bright smile and a tray of food,I was admitted into the hospital for three days now and every morning I wake up he is always by my side.

"Morning sweetie,how are you feeling today"?,Aeon ask.

"I'm doing just fine as always".

since I collapsed the day I was admitted he always asks about my health,he is so cute when he is caring.

"Aeon,I'm just fine ,aren't you supposed to be on your way to the company"?,I ask.

"Yeah,but I wanted to check ony little angels before that",he says.

I and Aeon have been dating since I left secondary school,he always been there for me,even though I haven't been entirely honest with him,his love for me is genuine and so is mine ,we aren't married,but we do live in the same apartment,Aeon is managing his family Business along with the extra classes privately when I'm into a catering business,but sine I got pregnant he wouldn't let me work and because of the hormones,I have been emotional which makes him watch what he says around me and with any little slip up he has get so worked up it's quite hilarious.

"Relax,Aeon I'm just joking,why you such a clown",I say while smiling.

"Hey,I'm not a clown I'm being considerate here",he argues.

"Thanks,for your care,you can go now before you're late",I say.

"I can't believe you're chasing me away",he says.

"Nah,I'm not,I just don't want your dad to shout at you",

"What do you mean I'm a grown man"

"Keep believing baby.Have a nice day at work",I say to him while he's already at the door.

"I love you Lucy,take care of you self and the baby,okay"?

"I will,love you too",he blows me a kiss while rushing out,I just shake my head and dig into my meal.

Hey guys,when I wrote this chapter,I wasn't happy.🙁

Because one minute you are there,the other minute you're gone.😥

So painful 💔

And sorry If the chapter is short🥰,it's meant to be long.

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