Chapter Twenty-two

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Third POV:

Ned had been at The stark tower for about five hours still with no tony in sight. It was coming up to eight O'clock and peter was beyond pissed. Many reasons why, which he thought were all accountable for.

one: got his Hope's up (for saying he will bring snack when he didnt)
two:left him alone
three: he missed him

Now going over them in his head they didnt seem so logical.

Peter and Ned were in the middle of a casual conversation about the second movie they were watching when they heard the elevator *ding*. Ned had stopped talking then looked at peter. Peter looked at him back. It was silent until Ned elbowed Peter slightly and whispered"go , go"So he went.

Peter walked to the elevator and saw Steve with his arm around Tony's waist guiding him into the kitchen. They pair hadn't noticed Peter due to the fact tony was laughing , talking and swaying about which probaly meant he was drunk. He was about to walk over until he could understand what tony was actually saying.

"Cap ya gotta get off me , I gotta Gove the kid his stuff , he asked so , I gotta yeah."

That was all he could pretty much understand while steve was trying to give tony a glass of water to presumably sober him up. Peter had gotten the courage to walk over to them both , beside the slight tang his heart felt about how close they were. He wasnt jealous he was just.. concerned.

Peter:Hey guys , where ya been?

Tony:ohhh peter hi kid so wee-

Steve:Tony how about I talk to the kid can understand yeah?

The use of the nickname kid had annoyed peter but had also gotten to his head. When he spent time with tony did he only so it because he thought peter saw him as a dad? did he only see him as a soon? but then steve started talking again after getting Tony to be quiet and sit down.

Steve: So tony had went out presumably to get you stuff , which he does have. But also got himself into club. How he did that I'm not sure but then someone decided to start a fight with The Tony Stark and I had to go get him. Here.

Steve handed tony a bag with , sweets , crisps and jucie. Peter was grateful but didnt say anything. He looked over at Tony. He was looking at his hands with a bare face. Peter didnt like the look on his face. Not at all.

Peter out the bag on the counter and walked up to Tony. Steve stood there , obviously no idea what he was doing. Peter wrapped his arms around Tony's shoulders, since he was sitting down Tony's head just under Peter's chin. Peter stood still for a second or so before Tony wrapped his arms around peter. Peter smiled just a bit with a faint blush on his cheeks, he let go and whispered "thank you" into Tony's ear. He had walked back , grapped his bag and practically ran to his room to tell Ned everything that happened.

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