Chapter thirty-two

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Half an hour later.

Bucky came to check on the pair since Steve was gone so long. After around 10 seconds he put the pieces together when he saw Steve running Tony's hand underwater with blood rushing off of it.

Tony had gotten his hand wrapped by bucky since" he is better at that than me" according to Steve. While lucky was wrapping Tony's hand steve decided to make some tea, he thought that would help sober him up a bit. Tony's face was pale. He looked like a doll the way his face looked so numb. The pair wasn't sure what to do or say to him.

"Tony why don't you try and get some sleep, it's been uh...a long night" bucky suggested. "A long night huh? Hm. A long night would be spending too much time in my suits maybe even at a meeting. My boyfriend sucking the face off of his ex isn't a long night buck." Tony spat back at him. Steve didn't even attempt to say anything figuring he will make it worse. Steve didn't have to worry about making it worse, because Peter just came out of the lift.

As soon as Tony saw his face, his red face with tears streaming down it he sighed and got up attempting to walk away. Bucky and Steve decided to sit this one out.

" Please tony just stop-okay. Just- stop and listen to me" Peter pleaded.

"NO! You listen to me. What in the FUCK was that little stunt huh? Do you see me slobbering over any of my exes? No. You don't have a RIGHT to be upset or angry you don't have a RIGHT to go about KISSING YOUR EX!"

Tony pushed Peter away from him as a tear slipped down his cheek. As tony was walking away Peter grabbed him and pulled him back and shoved him against a wall, hard.

"JUST LISTEN TO ME. I AM A LOT STRONGER THAN YOU SO YOU WILL SIT HERE AND LISTEN TO ME UNTIL I'M FINISHED OKAY?" Peter screamed as the tears were running down his face. Tony not even flinching or looking his way just nodded.

"Right.okay." Peter took a breath but kept his hands on Tony's shoulder.

"Tony. You know I didn't plan this far ahead and thought you would ignore me for the rest of your life honestly. So we're winging this alright? Anthony Edward Stark. I've been in love with you since like forever. I love the way the first thing you do in the morning is getting coffee. I love how your smile leans more to the left. I love that your eyes squint when you laugh hard. I love your morning hair. I love the way you can make any situation lighter. I love your humour. I love how you care for others.  I love that you are compassionate. I love that you are thoughtful. I love how loyal you are. I love absolutely every single detail about you. I love you, Tony." Peter finished with a breath and let go of Tony's shoulder and took his hands in his. " Don't think any different." Peter looked at Tony, he looked, well speechless. His mouth opened but nothing came out. So instead, he kissed him. It was brilliant. It was everything he needed to say and more. And oh how he missed him. The comfort he felt was just perfect.

After a couple of seconds, even though it felt like more and not enough at the same time, the pair broke apart. Tony wrapped his arms around Peter's shoulders as Peter wrapped his around Tony's waist. They held each other for a moment before peter muttered

"I'm sorry, for everything."

Tony didn't reply, he just held him tighter.

"Sir it seems-"

And then it went dark.

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